Dear Women Voters

I’m a black millennial woman that has lived my whole life in Oakland County, most of that time in Pontiac. I’m the demographic Democrats claim to champion for, but that’s not true. If you abandon the GOP as a referendum on Trump, you’ll aid a party that openly despises civility, under the guise of championing for people like me when, in reality, they are a detriment to my community, our constitution, and our unalienable rights.

You think Trump’s nothing more than a standard bully? Well, you’re wrong. He’s a bully that fights worse bullies. I, myself, have been called a coon, an Uncle Tom, and even Stephen from Django. A Huffington Post writer called Senator Tim Scott a “prop” when the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was passed, even though he made sure the Investing and Opportunity Act was included to help distressed communities. Chance the Rapper was vilified for suggesting not all black people have to be Democrats. Don Lemon invoked Kanye’s deceased mother, and Michael Dyson called Kanye’s White House visit white supremacy through ventriloquism. Never mind that his wife literally got a woman out of prison. Never mind that Trump is a president that likes to make deals.

These smears are meant to squash debate. Without debate, we can’t come to meaningful compromises. And while I have come to accept that Black Democrats use these phrases, I was quite surprised when white progressives used such terms for a black woman that stepped out of line.

In February, I partnered with the RNC to host a showing of Black Panther and a business panel. Once we went over the tax cuts benefits, Democrats in the audience challenged us—not because they disagreed—because most Black Americans are trapped within the Democrat Party and are shielded from this beneficial information. I promised to try harder, but it’s difficult when anything to do with Trump is portrayed as a moral outrage worthy of pure character assassination.

We saw this recently with Justice Kavanaugh. Judiciary Committee Democrats acted egregiously. Black men strongly value due process. A report last year found that blacks made up 22% of sexual assault convictions, but also 59% of exonerations! We can’t go backwards in justice reform, so please don’t reward a political party that threw out justice for political gain. If they can do it to Kavanaugh, they can do it to anyone. As a matter-of-fact, they’ve committed a “high-tech lynching” before.

Why do Democrats resort to such tactics? President Donald Trump is a pragmatist, yet they’ve embraced radically hard left positions. In Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer supports abolishing ICE, and she’s not the only gubernatorial Democrat candidate to express that. God help us and Florida.

The truth is, illegal immigration hurts minority workers, and if we don’t have border control, we’ll continue to have children sexually assaulted and in need of medical attention after being dragged across Mexico. If you want compassionate solutions, don’t expect the “Resistance” to solve them. Taking away Republican majority reassures we’ll never have enough votes for immigration reform.

Senator Debbie Stabenow provided nothing but opposition to our booming economy. If D.C. plants like Haley Stevens and Elissa Slotkin are elected, they will aid Nancy Pelosi in repealing the financial relief that has brought us the lowest black unemployment ever.

This election is bigger than Donald Trump. Democrats hate to lose, they hate who they fight, and they hate all that support their opposition. I don’t hate anyone, but I understand I am their enemy.

There is real evil being committed today, but it’s not by Trump, and the “Resistance” won’t end with him.