Joe Biden Praises Antifa and Lies About Trump

Yesterday, former VP Joe Biden launched his third try for president. It has been rumored for a long while, but Biden is a seasoned politician with more than forty years of experience. He must have been waiting to launch with an incredible bang. I’ve got to hand it to the King of Gaffs; this was one heck of a phenomenal blunder.

Biden’s announcement video focuses solely on the Charlottesville riot of 2017. White supremacists and other protesters came to save a statue of General Robert E. Lee and were met with opposition. It resulted in a woman being run down and killed by an automobile.

Biden said the white supremacists were met by a “courageous” group of Americans. There is no doubt there were kind Americans standing against hate, but the biggest clash came from Antifa, a group of fascists that threaten speakers they disagree with, shut down streets and college campuses, and they’ve even resorted to physical violence. They fit the mold of a domestic terrorist organization, and it’s unconscionable that someone running for president would give them praise in their announcement video.

Could it be possible that Biden and his team weren’t thinking of Antifa? It’s a slim possibility, but this was a team production with a lot of eyes on it. Biden didn’t make it in his basement and post it on Youtube without advisement. Someone with a drop of sense would have thought of Antifa, and if no one did, that doesn’t speak well to Biden’s campaign staff. Perhaps this was his own “very fine” people moment.

Democrats and the media have repeatedly made excuses and even praised Antifa in the past. Though Biden might be running to look like the sensible moderate Democrat that middle America can trust, his staff has radical hires, such as Symone Sanders. Ironically, Sanders made it clear two years ago that “we don’t need white people leading the Democratic Party right now”.

Biden’s central focus of the video was President Trump praising white supremacists and referring to them as “very fine” people. This has been repeatedly proven to be a hoax. This lie about the president has been not only a stain on his presidency, but also on other Republicans who have run for office. Ed Gillespie lost his race for Governor of Virginia due to the racial tension and fears. A terrible ad emerged of a truck with a Gillespie sticker trying to run down children. Ralph Northam took the victory, and was later found in a legitimate racial controversy when a college photo emerged of the Governor either in blackface or a KKK uniform.

The truth is, president Trump repeatedly condemned the white supremacists, Neo-Nazis, etc. He clearly clarified, in the same statement that was taken out of context, that they were not the very fine people he was referring to. Media figures like Don Lemon repeatedly pushed this narrative, and it’s caused an unnecessary riff within the country.

Full context of President Trump’s remarks about Charlottesville Riots and white supremacists

Full context of President Trump’s remarks about Charlottesville Riots and white supremacists

Joe Biden is fighting to restore the greatness of America and to root out hate. I don’t think he can do that on top of a lie. But Biden is used to lying. This is the man that implied former Governor Mitt Romney was going to put us back in chains. He is the perpetrator of Justice Clarence Thomas’s “high-tech lynching”. What does it matter if Biden incinerates the country? As long as he’s the president of the ashes, he gets what he wants. He’s more fit to run a sandbox than a nation anyway.

Biden is the frontrunner for the Democrats, but he will have a lot to answer for in the primary. The 1994 crime bill is certainly not popular today, because of the mass incarceration of black men that followed. Hillary Clinton pushed the bill and suffered the consequences. Even more curious was Joe Biden’s embrace of segregation in 1975 and the flimsy excuses for it, calling it a matter of “black pride”.

I’m not calling Biden racist, but I do believe he lacks the moral courage to stand for what is right, even if the truth is inconvenient for him. Admitting President Trump isn’t the awful racist the media has portrayed for the past few years wouldn’t get him any closer to the presidency, but it would be the right thing to do.