Things Democrats Should Remember About RBG But Probably Won't

Hearts broke across the country when Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away. Since then, Democrats have been pushing for her “last wish” to be respected, which is allegedly allowing the next president to pick her replacement. I’d like to think Justice Ginsburg was far too professional to ask for something like that, but the world may never know.

But the Democrats who loved her should very well consider the following if they respect her as much as they pretend.

Justice Ginsburg thought packing the court was a bad idea.

RGB was right about this. FDR was the last president who put serious thought into it, and he was met with bipartisan resistance. The job of the Supreme Court is to interpret the law, and it’s supposed to be as separate from politics as much as possible. There’s a reason the American people don’t vote on justices directly, and they don’t campaign year to year. If presidents make it into a habit to add justices any time their ideology isn’t represented, the court becomes corrupted. The three branches of government must remain separate and equal. If Democrats in Congress want new legislation to sweep in and redefine the nation, they need to have the guts to campaign on it and pass it. It’s not the job of the court to transform America.

Justice Ginsburg believed in debating ideas, not attacking people.

Justice Ginsburg and Justice Antonin Scalia were ideologically different, but they were the best of friends. Their families were close. Americans live in such a hyper-partisan time. Friends are blocking each other on social media, and families are cutting ties. No political figure should have that kind of power. It’s not a power Trump asked for or earned; Americans gave it to him once they abandoned civility and accepted narratives over facts. If someone wants to vote for Trump over lower taxes, that’s reasonable. It doesn’t make them a racist, homophobic, xenophobic, and any other kind of label. We don’t have reasonable discussions on ideas anymore. If Ginsburg and Scalia could keep their ideology separate from their relationship, perhaps Americans can live up to their example.


Ginsburg thought Roe V Wade was flawed.

Ginsburg believes in the right to abortion, but she believed Roe v Wade acted much too swiftly and was created on a flawed argument. Roe v Wade justifies its position on a right to privacy, which is an extreme reach in the reading of the Fourth Amendment. Ginsburg “believed it would have been better to approach it under the equal protection clause.” Roe v Wade isn’t considered a “super precedent” because it’s so widely disputed.

If Roe v Wade is ever overturned, abortion wouldn’t automatically be outlawed across the nation. It would revert to what the states dictated. Joe Biden says if Roe v Wade is destroyed, he’ll push to make it the law of the land. If he made a motion to ratify the Constitution, he’d probably find this impossible. Given that we know much more about a child’s development than we did in 1973, it’s more likely personhood will be defined at conception.

Ginsburg thought Kaepernick’s protests were dumb.

One of my personal favorites. Leftists use Trump’s dislike of the national anthem protests as racist, and it was even brought up as evidence during the 2020 presidential debate. However, many Americans disliked NFL protests, including the late justice.

Ginsburg told Katie Couric in a 2016 interview that she thought it was “dumb and disrespectful.”

"I would have the same answer if you asked me about flag burning. I think it's a terrible thing to do, but I wouldn't lock a person up for doing it. I would point out how ridiculous it seems to me to do such an act."

Kaepernick and his defenders insisted his protests were about injustice and not rooted in a hatred of America, but he began to lose support after revealing he didn’t vote. Stephen A. Smith particularly tore into him. How can anyone be serious about police reform if you don’t even vote for local politics?

Kaepernick’s protests gained traction after the world watched an officer place his knee on the neck of George Floyd. However, the sports world took their wokeness too far, even questioning if black players like Jonathan Isaac believed “black lives matter” because he stood for the anthem and wouldn’t wear a BLM shirt.

At a time when the country needs something to unite us, professional sports allowed politics to infect their business, and ratings have been down.

Next time Democrats try to use this example to call President Trump a racist, they should remember that many Americans are aligned on this.