Democrats are to Blame for a Future Conservative Majority on the Court

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The Supreme Court is about to have a shift, and even though the Democrats will go to insane lengths, there’s nothing they can do to stop it. It’s also a little funny for one important reason.

It’s absolutely their fault.

Let’s flashback to the 2018 midterms. Trump fans will fight tooth and nail when you tell them this, but he had begun to lose the suburban white woman vote. Republicans were abandoning ship with retirements, and Democrats were making decent choices with candidates. Experts were anticipating the worst.

Then along came Kavanaugh.

Justice Anthony Kennedy decided to retire and wisely did so while a Republican president could appoint his successor. It wasn’t going to radically shift the court, but the Democrats decided to commit to obstructing Trump in every possible way. This meant Trump, and everyone associated with him had to pay.

Enter the allegations. Before Dr. Christine Ford even had a chance to testify, Senator Kamala Harris announced she believed her (which is troubling, considering she was a prosecutor). “Believe all women,” became the mantra on the left, which would prove to be an impossible standard, and one not afforded to women like Tara Reade.

Ford had no time, date, or location. She named witnesses, all who had no knowledge of the event or even flat out denied the allegation. Kavanaugh submitted a calendar/diary and yearbook as evidence to detail his summer. Disgraced and convicted lawyer, Michael Avenatti, spun conspiracy theories surrounding slang in the book, and the Democrats brought these wild accusations to the hearing. But “boofing” referred to flatulence, “ralph” referred to vomiting, “the Devil’s Triangle” was a drinking game, and former female classmates were needlessly embarrassed by the media. Reminder, Avenatti did more than 100 interviews on CNN and MSNBC.

Other accusations against Kavanaugh were uncorroborated and ridiculous, but the media was complicit in not only smearing him, but actively working to dismantle his life. Kavanaugh mentioned how much coaching fulfilled him, and USA Today put out a piece stating he should not coach again.


There were some weak-stomach Republicans who would have dropped Kavanaugh, but President Trump stood by him and the presumption of innocence. The media was also surprised to find out this fundamental pillar of our justice system was important to voters, particularly black men.

It also radicalized and enraged Senators like Lindsey Graham. Democrats are angry that Graham is going back on his word regarding voting for a nominee during an election year. Graham made it clear on Twitter that his change of heart is due to Democrat overreach.

I’d wager the Kavanaugh hit job radicalized Lindsey Graham more than anything else. He was John McCain’s BFF and voted for Justices Sotomayor and Kagan. The Democrats were his friends, and I don’t think he recognized how evil they could be until that moment. His rageful speech became the midterm battle cry. “Boy, y’all want power. God, I hope you never get it.”

Not only did Republicans maintain their majority. They increased it.

President Trump was elected in 2016 on the chance he would select a good judge for the Supreme Court. Because he delivered a solid pick, and the Democrats demonstrated how heinous they could be for power, the voters rewarded Republicans.

President Trump will announce a Supreme Court nominee this week, and it’s likely they’ll be confirmed with 51 votes, perhaps more.

As folks on the right point out, former Senator Harry Reid killed the filibuster, and Mitch McConnell gave Democrats a fair warning that what goes around comes around.

None of what is happening today would be possible without Democrats laying the groundwork.

I’ll leave you with a saying from Ben Shapiro: “All the Democrats had to do was not be crazy.”