The Societal Harm of Abortion

I am often asked by Pro-Choice advocates why I’m against other women getting an abortion if it doesn’t affect me. “Don’t like abortion, don’t get one,” is often cited by their side. I don’t find this compelling and if they applied that logic to other immoral acts, I think they’d agree. “Don’t like rape? Don’t rape. Don’t like slavery? Don’t own slaves. Don’t like murder? Don’t murder,” and so on.

Does it personally affect me when a stranger aborts her child? It didn’t personally affect me when Darrell Brooks plowed an SUV into a Christmas parade, injuring more than forty people and killings six. Nonetheless, it’s still a heinous act and one Brooks is charged and will be tried for. My lack of relation to the victims doesn’t make it less tragic.

But Brooks was able to commit this violent act because two days prior, he was released on a $1000 bond. Though Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm admitted the bail was “inappropriately low,” he’s also expressed that “prosecutors should also be judged by their success in reducing mass incarceration and achieving racial equality.” His critics have questioned whether his political ideology has led to these deaths and a rise in crime, just as crime is rising across the nation. So, while I didn’t lose a loved one on that tragic night, the ideology that created those conditions certainly has caused great societal harm.

I would argue there are major societal effects of abortion, that have extraordinarily wounded our nation. First and foremost, the abortion industry is rooted in eugenics and population control. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood is a prolific example, but eugenics was far more openly influential in the late 1800s and 1900s. Their influence was felt in elite schools, court rulings, economics, and even our government. Even today, when senators, congressmen, and Vice-President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden argue we need access to abortion, especially for poor women of color, you see the fruit of eugenics. And though it is ultimately a woman’s choice to get an abortion, how are abortion clinics any different than predatory lenders who set up shop and prey on the most vulnerable?

Planned Parenthood tweeted “Happy Mothers’ Day” messages in 2018, 2019 featuring minority women.

The abortion industry rose to power and remains through the manipulation of women. Bernard Nathanson, the co-founder of NARAL, admitted abortion activists “sensationalized the effects of illegal abortion and fabricated polls which indicated that 85% of the public favored unrestricted abortion when we knew it was only 5%.” He also said, when NARAL spoke of illegal abortion deaths, “it was always 5,000 to 10,000 a year. I confess that I knew the figures were totally false.” Larry Lader was the other co-founder of NARAL, and his book was cited in the infamous Roe v Wade court case several times. They successfully manipulated the population. Lader’s ideas on abortion were even extreme for Margaret Sanger, and Planned Parenthood saw a shift after Alan Guttmacher became president. Guttmacher also served as vice-president of the American Eugenics Society.

Today, pro-choice activists continue the narrative, that if “safe” and legal abortions are outlawed, more women will die. There is no such thing as a “safe” abortion. The purpose of it is to terminate the life of an unborn baby. Also, there is no data to support that millions of women will die in back-alley abortions, but we know ending abortion will save millions of unborn children. The pro-choice community also makes a stunning admission when they use this argument. If women who seek abortion are so mentally unstable that they would risk hurting and even killing themselves, why is it acceptable that we send them to a butcher rather than a pregnancy crisis center, a church, therapy, or some kind of charitable organization to help her? If women are near-suicidal, should they hold the power of life and death in their hands?

Women are also being conditioned to believe the only way to achieve their personal dreams is to sacrifice their child on the altar of self. Instead of taking a life for rain and a good harvest, women are doing it for a bachelor’s degree and a nice career. Celebrities like Michelle Williams clutch golden idols in their hand, while praising the freedom to choose when to start a family. But women, unless they are sexually assaulted, always have that freedom. They are free to choose abstinence for a full-proof way not to get pregnant or birth control, which works a vast majority of the time. You do not need to destroy your offspring to plan a family.

SNL, brings on a clown to talk about the importance of “clown abortions.”

Women have the incredibly unique power—nearly miraculous—when it comes to creating, developing, and birthing a child. We are not better off as a society by teaching women it is empowering to kill their sons and daughters. Abortion has become a religion for the broken and insecure. It’s a way to shrug responsibility at the expense of someone else’s life. I’ve heard activists say on capitol hill that “abortion is love,” but love is nothing without self-sacrifice. Women are stronger than abortion.

What sort of generation of men are we creating? Men need purpose and responsibility, and it has to be deeper than giving their girlfriends cash to “take care of it.” It breaks my heart to see so many young women associate themselves with men who have no intention of building any life with them. They make soul-ties with dead weights, and it has crippled the hearts of too many young women. Abortion is also a cover for abusive men. I’ve heard women explain they’ve had abortions because they didn’t feel like they could protect another child from their spouse. Even more sinisterly are men who would have women get abortions to cover up incest or rape by erasing the evidence.

And perhaps the greatest societal harm is the mindset necessary to enact abortion. A “clump of cells” or “parasite” are common terms for abortion advocates. They dehumanize human beings in order to deny their rights, so they can exercise privilege over them. If we as a nation are capable of this, it’s no wonder how monstrosities like slavery came to be. Pro-choice advocates resent the comparison, but their arguments are similar: property, economics, the burden to society, etc. The big difference is lifelong suffering vs neat swift disposal of the victim. But the sheer quantity of abortion victims is staggering, over 60 million since Roe v Wade was decided. With all we know today about fetal development, how can we as a nation stomach such an injustice?

Pro-choicers insist the pro-life community is filled with religious bigots, using their morality to “force” women to naturally give birth to the children they procreated. This ignores the pro-life activists who are agnostic, atheists, and so on. Even Christopher Hitchens said the sectarian feminists’ view has “a complete contempt for science and the theory of evolution—which establishes beyond reasonable doubt that life is a continuum that begins at conception because it can’t begin anywhere else.”

And many of the politicians know this and don’t care. Former President Barrack Obama famously said it was above his paygrade to determine when human rights begin, yet he stands for abortion. He even once said on the campaign trail that he didn’t want his daughters to be “punished with a baby.” If you don’t know, wouldn’t you err on the side of caution? Could it be they don’t care whether it is alive? After all, men like Virginia Governor Ralph Northam said if a child survives an abortion, the doctor and the family should decide what to do.

Why support such barbaric rituals? Well, there obviously is a financial benefit. Organizations like Planned Parenthood get funds from the government, and they turn around and fund candidates who support them. Senator Bernie Sanders and President Biden have expressed the desire to get rid of the Hyde Amendment, which bars federal dollars from directly going toward abortion. Planned Parenthood was caught selling baby body parts by David Daleiden, and instead of prosecuting PP, Kamala Harris targeted him instead. Science pays a hefty fee for fetal remains. The covid vaccines are a product of it, so much that the DOJ voiced concern over Americans justly using religious exemptions to get out of taking it. The US FDA purchased fresh, never frozen fetal remains for humanized mice experiments, so it cannot be argued that abortion is only between a woman and her doctor. It clearly also involves the taxpayer.

We are being conditioned as a society to remove the stigma of abortion, so women can feel no shame in paying to abort their children, so the abortionists can sell the remains for even more profit. If we are so callous, how can anyone find it surprising that scientists are willing to play God with gain-of-function research, which may have led to the covid virus taking millions of lives worldwide?

Now, we are in a position where western societies are not reproducing enough to maintain the population. Tesla CEO Elon Musk warned recently that society will “crumble” if people don’t produce more children. The US is falling below its replacement rate.

Perhaps the saddest injustice is the aborted child and the mother are both victims. Regret from abortion is real, and not enough women are elevated as a warning. Some are even scolded for possibly discouraging women who “need” an abortion. Even women who claim to have no regrets are often in denial. They will not admit to terminating a life. If you call it a “baby,” they respond with “fetus” as if that erases its humanity. A fetus is simply an “unborn human baby.” It’s a stage of development, and that development began the moment the baby was conceived. The abortion industry thrives on ignorance, and if women remain ignorant, they do not have informed consent. If we do not value and protect informed consent, the US could easily revisit the days of the Tuskegee experiments. It may explain why we’re battling mandates with our government right now.

If a stranger aborts their child, it does and will affect me because I live in a society that makes such an act thinkable and sustainable. And if society could inflict such evil upon an innocent and defenseless baby, I shudder at what it’s willing to do to me. Americans despise the past and are ashamed of the sins committed by our forefathers, but if they could see the butchery rationalized by false rights today, they would see us as monsters and weep.