The Left Swore LGBT Propaganda in Schools Wouldn't Happen, Now They Demand it

Parents across the country have had enough of LGBT indoctrination in their schools. In Glendale, CA, Armenian parents are refusing to take their children to school until they can get proper answers from the school administration regarding a special assembly. Brawls have even broken out between parents and LGBT activists. Muslim and Christian parents in Maryland are also protesting Montgomery County School Boards LGBT curriculum. These pushbacks are on top of outraged parents demanding pornographic material be removed from their schools, such as the residents of Dearborn, MI.

There has been a serious breach of trust between school administrators and parents, so much so that Florida had to implement the Parental Rights in Education Bill, known to critics as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. In reality, the bill forbids teaching gender identity and sexual orientation (not specifically homosexuality) for grades K-3, or older grades if taught in an inappropriate manner. It also stops school administrators from hiding crucial information regarding a child’s well-being from their parents. The fact schools were having secret gender plans with students, including whether they’d sleep in a room with the opposite sex on overnight trips, made the law necessary.

But there has been a serious backlash. The media and Democrat politicians paint these parents as domestic terrorists and bigoted book banners. Never mind the fact that when parents read aloud the material found in these books at board meetings, they are shot down for reading inappropriate content.

You might question how we’ve fallen so far, but it was nothing we weren’t warned about. In 2008, California passed a ban on gay marriage. Minorities, who came out in droves to vote for the first black president, overwhelmingly voted in favor of the ban. But there’s a reason beyond the religious and “traditional” crowd rejecting gay marriage. This Democrat-dominated state was worried about their children’s education.

The Yes campaign aired commercials stating that if gay marriage was passed, they would push homosexuality in the schools. The No campaign insisted this was propaganda, but the gift of hindsight allows us to know the right-wing evangelicals were not wrong about their slippery slope. Life has changed dramatically since the Supreme Court ruling of Obergefell v Hodges, legalizing gay marriage in all 50 states. Not only is gay marriage legal; our sex education classes are “inclusive” enough to push gender identity as well. Teachers hide pronouns and names from parents. Some even have transition closets, so children can go to school and secretly dress however they please. Drag queens are brought in to read to kids on the taxpayers’ dime, and high-level state officials like Michigan’s Attorney General Dana Nessel believe drag queens should be the ones to uplift children when they’re having “emotional issues.”

The purpose of this little trip down memory lane isn’t to debate the validity or morality of gay marriage. It’s to remind everyone that slippery slopes are slick, and activists lie about their long-term goals. I find it hard to believe the No campaign didn’t know homosexuality would creep into the school curriculum, and I doubt they think that it’s a bad thing. They simply chose to brush it off like a conspiracy theory because they weren’t aligned with the public. As actor Chris Evans said, the older generation will die out like dinosaurs. But if the activists in the schools can shape the minds of the children today, they have control over the thoughts of tomorrow. That’s why the Washington Post ran a piece a while back on why it’s important for children to see kink at Pride festivals. Activists sacrifice their child’s innocence for their validation and self-preservation. President Joe Biden has even lamented states that have outlawed sex surgeries for minors.

So, as the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir sang, “We’re coming for your children,” and they always were. But there are plenty of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and even transsexuals who do not want sexuality and gender identity pushed on children. They want kids to have the freedom to find themselves without being influenced by the sway of activists. Only time will tell if we can close Pandora’s box or if the only option will be for parents to pull their children entirely from the public school system.