Life After Mueller


The Mueller report was sent to the DOJ, and news broke yesterday that—despite massive hysteria from the mainstream media—no more recommendations for indictments would be made. President Trump always claimed the investigation was a witch hunt. Two years and millions of taxpayer dollars later, it absolutely appears to be that way. We’re still waiting to see more of the report, but no more indictment recommendations bode well for the Trump Administration.

I know many Trump supporters are celebrating, making their memes (I’ve made a few), and kicking Democrats while they’re down, but I do find myself feeling a bit sorry for some of the people that really bought into it. You know? People who don’t live their whole entire lives entrenched in politics and research, so when they turn on the nightly news or hear CNN at an airport or a hotel, they absorb the mass hysteria and genuinely believed our president was installed by the Russian government. Why wouldn’t you be living in absolute and complete terror if you were brainwashed by mainstream media?

I was more puzzled when I heard about people actually involved with politics or those who were politically savvy buying into the Russian conspiracy theories, but cognitive dissonance can hit us all. People convince themselves of what they want to believe.

When I hear people say, “Trump is getting impeached,” I ask, “For what?” I don’t get many coherent answers. I’ve also run into people that genuinely didn’t know that Vice-President Mike Pence would be next in line, and their dreams crumbled after I informed them. The only people that I’ve encountered that understand what the impeachment process would entail, and legitimately desire the proper line of succession, are Republicans that hate President Trump and his unorthodox antics.

Impeachment was never going to happen though. It got the #Resistance fired up and made some great fundraising appeals, but many of the politicians that pushed it know better. Once it stopped playing well in the polls, Pelosi cut all serious conversations about it. Democrats like Rep. Maxine Waters and Rep. Rashida Tlaib still talk about it, but they’re not serious people.

When this all began, remember how it was insisted that 17 intelligence agencies confirmed Russia meddled in our 2016 election? I watched commentators go on programs and swear to this fact. Tucker Carlson would sometimes challenge them to name them all. I was always baffled by the dogmatic commentary that circulated through the media like a firing squad out to destroy reality. It never made sense to me that literally all 17 agencies would thoroughly investigate Russian interference, and it turned out that only a handful did the work and the rest signed off.

If only one agency did the work and was correct, one would have been enough. Overcompensating only divided the nation into factions that were either put off by the media and the intelligence community sensationalizing the threats to our representative republic or people who bought the severity of the narrative and were terrified of the future.

Foreign operatives trying to weaken America is not new. It needs to be fought against, but there’s a reason why President Obama dismissed candidate Trump’s claims of the election being rigged, and keep in mind he made those remarks knowing the Russians were poking their nose in our business (just as he had done with other nations himself).

It is true that Russians used propaganda to sow division, but the presidential election wasn’t their only priority. Last year, the Washington Post reported that Russian trolls used social media to “inflame U.S. political debate over energy policy and climate change”. So, Russia wants us to be less energy independent, but you don’t see progressives terrified of the Kremlin suddenly pushing for us to ramp up the fracking just to stick it to the commies.

The same side that bought into Russian collusion also pushes socialism, communism, and wants to rip up the electoral college. They don’t fear those things, but they were terrified of Trump.

Rachel Maddow getting emotional while talking about the Mueller Report.

Rachel Maddow getting emotional while talking about the Mueller Report.

He won his election fair and square. There’s no good reason for Rachel Maddow to be near tears while reporting on Mueller. Everyone should be thrilled that our president wasn’t installed by the Kremlin, but some people hate Trump more than they love our nation’s freedom. The reality is, if you don’t like him, there’s an election next year.

So, what happens now? Some leftists on twitter are supposed to delete their account and give to charities of the conservatives’ choosing for losing a bet. I don’t foresee that happening. Mueller will probably be dissed by many in denial. Some will never let go of the investigation, and they’ll keep making empty promises to constituents until Trump is either defeated or reelected (and I’m banking on the latter).

If you are a normal and rational person who was duped by either your elected officials, friends, the DNC, the mainstream media, or social media activists…I suggest you take the time to ask yourself what else have you been misled on.

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