Impeachment is a Farce

Impeachment is a Farce

There is no case strong enough for incitement. Trump’s own words prove he called for peace, and any other interpretation of the surrounding context is subjective. If these politicians had to be held to a standard of law rather than their own delusions, we wouldn’t be wasting time.

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Who Checks the Fact-Checkers?

Who Checks the Fact-Checkers?

Every day, politically engaged social media users dread being dinged by “independent fact-checkers” and rated as “false.” Spreading fake news is awful, but it’s always puzzling when websites flag an article or image that is objectively true.

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5 Big Election Lies from Biden

5 Big Election Lies from Biden

When Joe Biden first announced, he released a video about the violence in Charlottesville. He condemned Trump’s “fine people” on both sides line, leaving out the fact President Trump condemned Neo-Nazis in the same statement.

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The Craziest Attacks on Judge Amy Coney Barrett

The Craziest Attacks on Judge Amy Coney Barrett

Judge Barrett’s personal beliefs and whether she believes in the sanctity of life should not matter. The question is whether she can act in a professional manner, like millions of Americans do every day. If she believes in interpreting the constitution as is, that’s what should matter

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Because of Democrats, Trump Must Pick A Ginsburg Replacement

Because of Democrats, Trump Must Pick A Ginsburg Replacement

Democrats made a filled Supreme Court necessary. Democrats around the country—like Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom—eerily stated that Covid-19 was an opportunity to implement change on various issues: climate change, the economy, etc. In a time when our nation needed some normalcy, our electoral process has been radically uprooted.

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Rick Snyder's Endorsement of Biden Makes Him a Disappointing Nerd

Rick Snyder's Endorsement of Biden Makes Him a Disappointing Nerd

The president laughingly said Governor Snyder could take a picture with him, even though he didn’t endorse him. At home, I shook my head and dismissively laughed at Trump’s petty bone. I’m guessing it cut a little deeper for the former governor.

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Trump Supporting Pastor's Church is Vandalized

Pastor Greg Locke

Pastor Greg Locke

Two weeks ago, my sister and I visited Tennessee on a little bit of business. Seeing that we’re good Christian girls, we had to find a church to visit on Sunday. “Well, I’ve been interested in visiting Pastor Greg Locke’s church.”

My sister hadn’t heard of him before, but something felt right about it. We prayed, and we immediately left our house to drive 8.5 hours to Tennessee, so we could make it to church in the morning.

As we pulled up on the corner of Global Bible Vision Church, friendly staff waved us down and directed us to where we could park. They were having so many guests come in, parking and seating was becoming an issue. A friendly woman greeted us as we came inside, and she invited us to sit next to her. We chatted a little bit, and she gave us an introduction to Pastor Locke.

He was incredibly friendly, fiery, obviously open about his political biases, and very knowledgeable in the word.

I became aware of Pastor Locke after a viral rant on Facebook, telling pastors they needed to open their churches. His church was among the few that never closed down, and he was glad to hear that our ministry was the same.

Even though I hadn’t missed a day of live service since the pandemic began, it was refreshing to be around a larger congregation worshiping together. Even more remarkable was perhaps a fourth of the people in attendance were from out of state. One woman flew from California just to be there.

Pastor Locke made a breaking news announcement: Roger Stone was coming to the church at the end of the month—not to talk politics—to talk about how he recommitted his life to Christ. From then on, Pastor Locke has been a magnet for the media. So, is it any wonder what happened today?

Around 9am CT, Pastor Locke reported on Instagram that his church has been vandalized.

Just got word from our staff that our building, tent, chairs, church sign and my pulpit were all vandalized last night. Headed there now. Police are on the way. SERVICE WILL NOT BE STOPPED. See y’all at 10:30.
— Pastor Greg Locke via Instagram

Pastor Locke has said they’ve received so many threats, there’s no telling who could have vandalized the property, but Pastor Locke did say, “But it really puts a fire in my belly.”

Persecution certainly isn’t new, and it’s something Jesus Christ prepared his disciples to face. Persecution isn’t anything a Christian readily wants to face, but it does strengthen the body of Christ. Profanities and other painted crude remarks isn’t anywhere near the degree of what Christians outside of the United States face, but it’ll make Global Vision and their national supporters, more fired up, nonetheless. Pastor Locke announced they’d still be having service this morning, whether it’s under a graffiti covered tent or not.

All eyes will be on Global Bible Vision Church next week when Roger Stone, who was convicted and pardoned by President Trump in July, comes to testify about how Jesus Christ is transforming his life.

I pray it will be a message of grace, forgiveness, and redemption. That’s what America needs right now.

No, Joe Biden is not a "Nice Guy."

No, Joe Biden is not a "Nice Guy."

I’m baffled by all the talk about Joe Biden being a nice guy. I can understand some people saying “likable.” There are likable villains on TV shows and movies. I hope I’ve written a few myself. But “nice?”

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Never Trumpers Are Never Victory

Never Trumpers Are Never Victory

The truth is, Trump is a disruptor. Never Trumpers rather maintain decorum than win or get anything done. Whether they seek adulation from foes who despise them like Senator Mitt Romney or profess a “why can’t we all get along” attitude like former Governor John Kasich, they’d rather lose than lead.

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