Why the Hunter Biden Story Matters

I’m sure you’ve heard the infamous Hunter Biden laptop story by now. If you’ve been on social media sites like Twitter, you’ve probably seen snarky comments like, “Oh, I’m certainly not going to vote for Hunter now.” I’ve even seen Democrats ask why they should care about this story at all. Well, there are several reasons.

Biden lied

When questions were asked about Hunter’s cushy job on the board of Burisma, Joe Biden took the bold strategy of stating he never discussed business with his son. This was always a curious lie. Even based on the few interviews with Joe and Hunter, their answers were inconsistent. They must have talked. A panel on CNN noted it was bizarre for Biden not to discuss business with his son just to make certain there was no conflict of interest. Now, we know from testimonies and presented evidence from Hunter’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinksi, Hunter’s emails, audio recordings, and photographs that Joe Biden was more involved than he led Americans to believe. The fact that a man running to be president lied about this, especially considering that he’s “fighting for the soul of this nation,” is worth talking about.

It’s newsworthy

Replace “Hunter Biden” with “Donald Trump Jr.” Would this be a story? Even the most deranged Trump haters can admit that. The media thought the First Lady complaining about having to put up Christmas decorations was a scandal, and the only reason it ceased being a bigger story is because she and the president contracted Covid. If reporters can run stories on how many scoops of ice cream Trump serves and whether he’s afraid of stairs, they can report on the Vice President’s crackhead son making millions of dollars from foreign countries and setting aside a percentage for his father.

The laptop story is bizarre and juicy enough to talk about on news programs, even hot topic takes on daytime. The DOJ and Director of National Intelligence confirmed it’s not Russian disinformation, and the Biden camp has not denied meetings took place or that the laptop is real. Biden’s spokespeople are mostly ignoring the story, but some have acknowledged they aren’t disputing their authenticity. That’s pretty incredible since the Biden camp has blatantly lied about so many talking points on the campaign trail.

Quid Pro Quo

I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for evidence of illegal activity. Of course, I never thought Obamagate would be traced directly back toward Obama and Biden, so who really knows? But if we accept or simply entertain the idea that Hunter used his father’s name to enrich himself, and the Chinese and others paid Hunter for access to his father, it’s worth asking what they bought for that influence. They wouldn’t want access for no reason. Biden has dismissed Trump’s criticisms of China on the campaign trail and laughed off them being a competitor. They steal intellectual property, manipulate currency, and we’ve lost a lot out on trade. Industries like Hollywood and the NBA bow to China while they keep Muslims in internment camps and Christians have to worship underground. It’s worth standing up to China, but Biden is soft on the issue. Have Americans somehow lost out so the Biden family could make a sweet deal? It’s a question worth asking.


Since President Trump was impeached for “Obstruction of Congress” and other non-crimes, you may have guessed that it was more theatrical than about accountability. It happened within the election year and the Democrats never had the votes. They could have censured the president and scolded him in the media. Instead, he was acquitted in the Senate. Impeachment isn’t even mentioned on the campaign trail now, but it was all the rage back at the beginning of 2020.

The talking points during the whole fiasco was this: “The president used his office to target a political opponent.” On the president’s not-so-perfect phone call with Ukraine, he mentioned looking into the corruption of the Bidens. Joe Biden is on video admitting he withheld foreign aid from Ukraine unless a prosecutor was fired. This same prosecutor investigated Burisma, a company that hired Hunter.

Trump’s lawyers made the incredibly relevant argument that it was worth looking into the Bidens. Just because someone is running for president doesn’t shield them from investigations. It’s also ironic to note Obama-Biden spied on and investigated the Trump campaign, even after they knew Michael Flynn and others were legit.

What we know now is the FBI was aware of Hunter Biden’s drive during this time. I’m not sure if we’ll find illegal activity, but it sure is corrupt. While the media treated Rudy Giuliani like an insane conspiracy theorist for chasing leads overseas, people in our American government knew there was evidence the Bidens were trading influence for cash. It’s reasonable for Americans to ask if President Trump was impeached for asking questions, especially since that was the case Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler presented. Was President Trump impeached merely for distraction, political theater, or because he was too close to outing Biden?

Whatever the reason, it was a political circus. But if any House Democrats knew of this drive or that President Trump’s concerns about the Bidens had merit, their abuse of power needs to be called out, and they need to be held accountable.

Media and Big Tech Corruption

Tony Bobulinksi played a video on Tucker Carlson’s show with other Biden associates stating that if their business deals came out, the media would blow up the story. This, of course, proved to be untrue. When The New York Post dropped the story about Hunter’s laptop, Twitter locked out their account and blocked links from being shared, even in private messages. Facebook moved to suppress the story before Factcheckers could even verify it. NPR announced they wouldn’t cover the story. CNN and other sources insist it’s a dirty smear, after they’ve pushed Russia Collusion Hoaxes and Michael Avanetti gang rape theories. They’d rather pretend it’s unverified, even though personal information was clearly leaked from the laptop. The Daily Caller says it’s been verified, Bobulinski is a credible witness with evidence to back up his claims, and other figures in the email chains have verified it inadvertently (for example, Frank Luntz was in Hunter’s emails). The media could have some courage and simply nail Biden on whether Hunter’s emails are real. They’d rather ignore the story and hope their preferred candidate wins election.


The founder of the Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, had to resign from his own paper because the editors demanded he not mention anything about Biden. Journalism is dead, and the mainstream media’s move to cover this story up is the most heinous part of the scandal. When journalists write about Trump, they pretend they’re guardians of democracy. The truth is, they’re Pharisees. They’re gatekeepers of their industry serving their own ideology; they have no true devotion to spreading objective truth.

Joe Biden has a pattern

Back in the primary days, Elizabeth Warren pointed out that Biden sided with credit card companies while writing laws in the Senate. While Biden was being vetted for Obama’s VP, it was brought up that his son Hunter was hired as a consultant for the MBNA Corporation while Biden made it harder for consumers to file bankruptcy protections. Politics is a dirty game, and many use their office for favors and to enrich themselves some type of way, and Biden has been a part of that system for a long time. Is it any surprise that as the Vice President, he upped his game?

That’s why it’s insane for Biden or anyone in his camp to deny that Hunter profited from his father’s influence. Even Hunter admitted his last name afforded him opportunities.

Joe Biden is painting himself as a return to normal, and he’s not wrong. Unfortunately, corruption is normal for career politicians.

An honest press would be able to admit Biden has a history of shady dealings for personal profit.