Biden and the Radical Left Are the Threat to Democracy

Biden and the Radical Left Are the Threat to Democracy

Democrats have denied, protested, and rioted over election results. I would know. I was at a state ceremony for electors, and I attended the Trump inauguration. There are many things I wish I could change about Trump, and I’m not afraid to voice my anger when he inspires it, but I will not accept the lie that Biden and the progressive agenda are best for the country and the world. It is a bald-faced lie.

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Retribution v. Optimism

Retribution v. Optimism

The idea of Trump returning for a big finale is tempting. It feels like justice for millions of voters who believe the election was unfair (whether through fraud or Big Tech and media manipulation), or at least like vindication for those who supported Trump, knowing he was a far better president than Biden. But I’ve also heard Trump supporters say they were only interested in “retribution.” …A DeSantis supporter responded to the “retribution” motivation with, “I don’t have time for retribution; I’ve got kids.”

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They Love Death Like We Love Life

They Love Death Like We Love Life

I’ve been told that both sides want the same thing and have been chastised for standing up for Israel. Well, please, show me where in the Israeli government they make it a priority to exterminate Muslims because I know Hamas speaks of eradicating Jews in their charter. When Hamas says, “We love death like our enemies love life,” that demonstrates they have opposite goals.

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Yes, There Is Evidence Tying Joe Biden to Hunter Biden's Business Dealings

Yes, There Is Evidence Tying Joe Biden to Hunter Biden's Business Dealings

There is widespread denial among mainstream media pundits and leftwing social media activists regarding President Joe Biden and whether there is evidence tying him to his son’s business dealings. But the truth is there is evidence—from a very compelling source—that the father was profiting off his son, just as the son was profiting off the father’s name: Hunter Biden himself.

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Congress Impeached Trump, They Can Certainly Impeach Biden

Congress Impeached Trump, They Can Certainly Impeach Biden

I agree with McConnell that back-to-back impeachments aren’t good for the country, but neither is having a president who rises to the occasion of impeachment. It’s also not good that it looks as though Trump was truly impeached for poking a very credible bear when it comes to Biden’s shady business dealings.

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Kamala Harris Approved in January of Standards She Now Thinks Are Racist

Kamala Harris Approved in January of Standards She Now Thinks Are Racist

But this particular objection made by Harris was familiar to Jeremy Redfern, press secretary to Governor DeSantis. It was “essential knowledge” in the AP standards Harris wanted to be taught in Florida back in January.

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Democrats Are Driving a Wedge Between Muslim Voters, so they Blame the GOP

Democrats Are Driving a Wedge Between Muslim Voters, so they Blame the GOP

But more importantly, the GOP didn’t write the Quran. The GOP didn’t put sexually explicit books in cities like Dearborn, MI, heavily populated by Muslims. The GOP didn’t write This Book Is Gay and include a section on how to talk to Muslims about homosexuality and how to find homosexuals online. Did the GOP show up to protest and stand alongside the Muslim community? Of course, they did. Do you know what the Leftists did? They showed up to defend these perverse books as if it were a personal attack on their identity.

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Hunter Implicated President Biden in Corrupt Business Dealings, and There's Evidence

Hunter Implicated President Biden in Corrupt Business Dealings, and There's Evidence

“I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

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DHS Uses Pro-Life White Women as Potential Terror Threats in Training Scripts

DHS Uses Pro-Life White Women as Potential Terror Threats in Training Scripts

Well, the Biden administration thought the perfect potential terrorist was Ann, a middle-aged married woman from rural America, who happens to be pro-life. You see, Ann has always been religious but became closer to God after her mother passed (something very common).

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Biden White House Refuses to Say Killing Nashville Christians is a Hate Crime

Biden White House Refuses to Say Killing Nashville Christians is a Hate Crime

As I reflect on this Easter weekend about the state of the nation, it is disheartening to feel as though the Biden Administration has a bias against Christians. I know President Joe Biden’s defenders will quickly point out, “But he’s Catholic!” Judas was a disciple; he betrayed Jesus, nonetheless.

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It's Obviously Immoral To Bring Your Children Around Drag Queens

It's Obviously Immoral To Bring Your Children Around Drag Queens

GLAAD is now addressing “dragphobia,” which is absurd. Perhaps some people are quivering in their boots at the thought of men in hideous makeup, but most critics speaking out do not have a “phobia.” We have reasonable concerns about a society that so quickly wants to submerge generations of children into sexual depravity and the motivation behind these men who desire access to these malleable youths.

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Biden Invites Drag Queens to White House in Celebration of "Respect for Marriage Act"

Biden Invites Drag Queens to White House in Celebration of "Respect for Marriage Act"

“The Biden Admin sees these far-Left LGBT Activists as one of their new ‘core constituencies.’ These are the people they need to groom America into accepting ‘trans-5-years-olds’ and ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ in the name of ‘Equality.’ There is no bottom.”

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Michigan's Upcoming Gender Apocalypse

Michigan's Upcoming Gender Apocalypse

Hiding inside of a proposed constitutional amendment—falsely touted as a restoration of what was lost during Roe v. Wade’s overturning—is a parent’s worst nightmare. Proposal 3 is far beyond an abortion bill. It will leave children wide open to a lobby of butchers who profit off of Frankensteining young and confused people.

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Trump Raid at Mar-a-Lago is Unprecedented, and Another Example of Political Targeting

Trump Raid at Mar-a-Lago is Unprecedented, and Another Example of Political Targeting

“After working and cooperating with the relevant government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate. It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by the Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservative in the upcoming midterm elections.”

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Why The Left Hates Me, And Why I'm Proud Of It

Why The Left Hates Me, And Why I'm Proud Of It

The Left despises people who tell the truth and convinces Americans to listen with their ears instead of their feelings. It’s bad enough when a white person does this, but it’s egregious when black people lead the way.

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Why Are We Allowing Racists and Crazies To Take Charge on Racial Justice?

Why Are We Allowing Racists and Crazies To Take Charge on Racial Justice?

The question Americans should ask is why do we uplift voices with such a skewed sense of reality? Everyone has some sort of bias, but there’s a difference between needing a stronger prescription to see things clearly, and the blatantly blind leading the willfully blind off a cliff.

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