The Losers Win Again: Time Magazine's 'Person of the Year'

The Winners


Once again, Joe Biden has found himself with a winning title after putting in minimal effort. Yesterday morning, he was a mere finalist, but since Time Magazine clearly wanted him to win, they threw in Kamala Harris to strengthen his claim. Even still, it’s an undeserved title for an underwhelming duo.

Kamala Harris is the first woman of Indian and Jamaican descent to ascend to the White House (assuming Texas’s election lawsuit doesn’t dash her dreams). It’s fortunate for her that Biden repeatedly made racist remarks and was pressured to pick a black running mate. After bombing out of the primary and flaming Biden by alluding he was a racist segregationist, she still landed on her feet.

Biden did few events, had softball interviews, and dodged questions he didn’t like. He told many lies, and the mainstream media, along with big tech, covered for his son’s shady foreign business dealings. He had historic voter turnout, even getting more votes than Barrack Obama, but anyone who is honest knows it wasn’t love that brought out the vote. The election was about Trump, good and bad.

Who Should Have Won


President Donald J. Trump has been the oxygen of the nation for the past four years, and 2020 was no different. Trump utilized the State of the Union to showcase the strength of the nation with record low unemployment for Black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans. The following day, he was acquitted by the Senate after being impeached by the House (for no alleged crimes). Trump was looking like an unbeatable incumbent, but COVID swept the nation. If you believe the initial estimates, you may think the president’s actions saved millions. If you bought into Biden’s hysterical finger-pointing, “every” death is his fault.

At first, governors like Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo paid loads of compliments to the Trump administration. Daily task force meetings increased his approval rating, but the media was determined to politicize the virus. To top it all off, he and First Lady Melania, along with other family members and White House staff, caught the virus.

Trump did himself no favors during the first debate, but he had a much greater performance by the final one. It was obviously a little too late.

Other notable and historic achievements were the peace deals in the Middle East, resulting in multiple Noble Peace Prize nominations that were well deserved. Morocco was the latest country to normalize ties with Israel, joining the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan. While every other president in modern history has left a legacy of war, Trump has blasted terrorists and made peace.

His greatest lasting legacy will be his mark on the courts. He’s appointed about 300 federal judges and appointed a third Supreme Court Justice this year after Ruth Bader Ginsburg died.

Even to this day, supporters march and fight for him to win an election he already lost. Trump’s influence expands well beyond this year, and it will continue regardless of what the courts decide.

Notable Runner-Ups


The media was obsessed with Dr. Anthony Fauci. He was seen as the authority on Coronavirus. “Listen to the experts” became their mantra, as opposed to weighing risks/rewards along with liberty. The media was determined to portray him at odds with President Trump, and that day eventually came. He duked it out with several lawmakers, most notably Senator Rand Paul over school closings. He became a media darling and amassed much more influence over the country than a nonelected official should have.

That’s more than enough reason to be a finalist and considered for the top spot, but Time Magazine paired him with frontline workers who have been lifted up as heroes for putting themselves in harm’s way to save people from the pandemic, working tireless hours. Some achieved worldwide fame. Doctor Elvis Francois, for example, even landed a role on The Masked Singer after becoming a viral sensation. Frontline workers have also been used as a political tool. Their opposition to lockdown protests was front and center, but they also gained pushback after 1,200 medical professionals signed on in support of Black Lives Matter protests. As of lately, media networks have a fetish for hosting nurses complaining about their patients, who belittled or didn’t take “appropriate” precautions. Many of their stories are questionable.

Though Trump is, undoubtedly, the most impactful person of the year, medical professionals have to be an emotional favorite.



It’s also unbelievable that Biden and Kamala beat out the demonstrators who marched and rioted through the summer. Protests began as an outrage response to the horrific video of George Floyd’s death. Details regarding his case came out slowly, and the full interaction with police was leaked into the media. It gave an eerie look into how Floyd voluntarily got on the ground, after crawling through a cop car and resisting arrest. The officers could clearly tell he was on something, which was enough fentanyl to kill him, but having a knee to his neck for several minutes certainly didn’t help. Marches, riots, murals, fundraisers, and multiple funerals is enough evidence that this man alone could have graced the cover of Time Magazine alone, but he was paired with all the demonstrators.

Riots continued after the shootings of Rayshard Brooks, Jacob Blake, and others. Perhaps the media doesn’t want to draw attention or criticism to their behavior. CNN reporters would literally stand in front of burning buildings and cars and claim protests were peaceful. Over 30 people died in the demonstrations, including retired police officer David Dorn. Though a vast majority were peaceful, the tactics of activists to justify looting and arson was obscene. It became a common criticism that if you cared about businesses being burned to the ground, you “valued property more than black lives.” BLM activists justified stealing high-end products from stores like Gucci, and mobs repeatedly robbed stores like Target. Even the Cheesecake Factory wasn’t safe.

Demonstrators raised important conversations about race in America. While property damage range in the billion-plus column, authors like Robin DiAngelo made out like bandits. Critics on the right who push back on the “blacks are hunted narrative” like Candace Owens, also raised their profile by receiving hate and praise.

No matter how you felt about the protests or racial injustice in America, you were likely touched in some way by the demonstrations. It’s another strong contender that should have defeated Joe Biden.