The War on Fathers and Children

Imagine being a father of a young high school girl, who recently suffered a sexual assault. Now, imagine attending a school board meeting to see why students were still unsafe, while the school pushes to allow biological boys into girls’ bathrooms. But when you try to get answers, you’re made out to be the villain of the story.

Scott Smith doesn’t have to imagine. He was scolded, shot down, and dragged away in handcuffs. He was made out to be the poster boy for disorderly conduct. The National School Board Association referenced him in their letter to President Biden, likening the growing tension between educators and parents to domestic terrorism. They even reference the Patriot Act for possible enforcement measures.

Buta Biberaj, Loudoun County’s top elected prosecutor, personally showed up to prosecute Mr. Smith for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

A second girl was allegedly sexually assaulted by the same young boy.

Smith was carried out of the school board meeting on June 22. At the same meeting, the Superintendent of Loudoun County said there were no records of assaults in bathrooms. Smith’s daughter was assaulted on May 28. As Smith was arrested, a woman shouted the injustice committed against his daughter, yet Smith was humiliated for standing up for his child.

Unfortunately, demonizing fathers for the sake of leftist ideology is a repeated pattern. In 2017, Chris Cuomo condemned dads who didn’t want their daughters to see penises in girls’ locker rooms. He said they needed to teach tolerance. Mind you, Chris Cuomo himself has been accused of sexual assault and his brother, former governor of New York, resigned after several allegations. He’s well aware there are sexual predators waiting in the wings, yet he gaslighted to play oppression Olympics.

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Conservative activists are not trying to make the case that all transwomen have a goal to get into women’s bathrooms to hurt young girls, but when government authorities are so devoted to their dogma, even to the point of running cover for heinous acts, sexual predators know they have a safe haven within gender ideology. Perverts will infiltrate the trans community, such as the registered sex offender who exposed himself at Wi Spa in Los Angeles, California to four women and a minor. Slate dubbed the viral incident as a “transphobic hoax,” but that wasn’t the case. Loudoun County did what they could to protect a boy in a skirt, so they could protect bad policies.

The political left is so blinded by ideology, their victims become invisible. Why is there no consideration for women and their privacy, and why are parents deemed as bigots for protecting their children?

Fathers have also been pushed out of the abortion debate, despite their necessity in procreation and their financial obligations to the child if they’re born. Men are supposed to be protectors and providers, yet they’re dismissed with “no uterus, no opinion.” Why are we conditioning men to be moral cowards? Why are we telling them it is courageous and compassionate to surrender all will and thought to someone who wants to brutally butcher their child? If men aren’t willing to stand up for their progeny, what are they worth? As Professor Jordan Peterson said, “If you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of.”

They need good and moral men to surrender their role as protectors and providers. It’s the easiest way to break down a community and shackle women and children to the arms of an oppressive government.

I’ve had Democrats look me in the eye and tell me parents who criticize Critical Race Theory are racists, even though they do not understand it themselves. If a black father doesn’t want his child to be seen as a victim, he’s an uppity negro. If a white father doesn’t want his child to confess their privilege, you’re upholding the institution of systemic racism.

Any sort of responsible parental protection equates to bigotry in the eyes of the radical left. If you don’t want Blues Clues to teach your children about being a pansexual, you’re an intolerant bigot. Well, parents can’t afford to allow these people to break their will and silence their voices. Their goal is to make their children wards of the state. They don’t want to care for them. They want control.

Speak louder. Fight harder. The future of your children and this nation is literally at stake.