Lady Gaga's Promotion of Dylan Mulvaney on "International Women's Day" is a Mockery of Women

Lady Gaga's Promotion of Dylan Mulvaney on "International Women's Day" is a Mockery of Women

Lady Gaga says she feels “very protective in this moment” for not only Dylan but the trans community as a whole, but it’s possible to do that without celebrating a man who was brave enough to slap on some lipstick and portray girlhood as crying too much and buying too many clothes.

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Women Outraged Over Dylan Mulvaney's Interview With Judy Blume

Women are furious after Lionsgate sponsored an interview with famed author Judy Blume by trans social Tiktok influencer, Dylan Mulvaney.

Judy Blume's iconic coming-of-age classic Are You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret was adapted for film and received positive reviews. Savannah Edwards, who has a TikTok following of over one million followers, wrote on her Substack that women needed to take their daughters to see the film. “Your daughters deserve to hear the truth: Growing up female is rough, but it’s beautiful. Our bodies, the way they’re designed, are a miracle. Being born female is an incredible birthright. This movie is a celebration of the foundation of womanhood, the moment when it begins for each of us.”

After Mulvaney’s interview with Blume, Edward’s said, “I’m not offended, I’m pissed.” She tweeted, “The sad part is, #ItMeMargaret is perfect. Damn near perfection, one of the best movies of the year. It’s pro-female, and what a breath of fresh air that is in a culture that treats female puberty like a disease. Why would you ruin that by bringing Dylan into this? @Lionsgate.”

Other women across social media expressed they no longer wished to take their daughters to see the film, would no longer buy Blume’s books, and wanted the time and money back they invested in the film.

Many other women expressed disappointment in Blume herself. “Shame on you for betraying girls,” said Twitter user Taru Ann. “The REAL most vulnerable people in societies. To suck up to privileged men like this, who hate girls and use their existence only to gain attention, false victim status and money! You could have tried to be brave, like many women with more to lose.”

Judy Blume received backlash after speaking out in support of fellow author, J.K. Rowling, who repeatedly stands up for women’s sex-segregated spaces. “I love her. I am behind her 100 percent as I watch from afar.” 

Blume later released a statement to clarify her position, that she merely empathized with Rowling over online harassment. “I stand with the trans community and vehemently disagree with anyone who does not fully support equality and acceptance for LGBTQIA+ people. Anything to the contrary is total bullsh**.”

But you can’t support women’s sports and sex-segregated spaces while preaching total acceptance of the trans community, who want access to women’s locker rooms, bathrooms, prisons, shelters, and to play on their sports teams. As William “Lia” Thomas noted, how can you say he’s not a woman and not allow him to swim against women?

Mulvaney asked Blume for advice on how young creatives like himself can create content about his experience without societal backlash. Blume says, “You know what? You can’t be scared.”

In contrast, Mulvaney released a video last year issuing a not-so-passive-aggressive threat to women who wouldn’t bow down to his gender ideology. “I am also very nervous for you just because, hopefully, soon transphobia won’t be as tolerated online but your tweets are forever, and I don’t want those to come back and haunt you. Okay?”

Mulvaney has also expressed on his Tiktok (to over 10 million followers) that calling him a man and using he/him pronouns should be illegal.

Though women are disappointed with Blume, they should take her advice and not be scared to speak the truth: Dylan Mulvaney is a man and will always be a man.

Yes, "Cis" is a Slur.

Yes, "Cis" is a Slur.

Gender is not a social construct. Sex and gender are meaningfully intertwined. According to the etymology, the two words have been and are used interchangeably. Feminists can take the blame for morphing gender into a role in an attempt to break away from social restraints and undesired expectations, but a role is something you can either fill or play. Some aspects of womanhood cannot be mimicked. Only stereotypes can be replicated. Transwomen are method actors and activists like Dylan Mulvaney deserve Razzies, not Oscars.

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Biden White House Refuses to Say Killing Nashville Christians is a Hate Crime

Biden White House Refuses to Say Killing Nashville Christians is a Hate Crime

As I reflect on this Easter weekend about the state of the nation, it is disheartening to feel as though the Biden Administration has a bias against Christians. I know President Joe Biden’s defenders will quickly point out, “But he’s Catholic!” Judas was a disciple; he betrayed Jesus, nonetheless.

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Black Lives Matter's Agenda Against Biological Men and Women

Black Lives Matter's Agenda Against Biological Men and Women

So, if you did anything to elevate this group, whether it was using the hashtag, sharing their website, or giving a donation, know that you gave to a group spearheaded by lesbian self-described “trained Marxists,” who have it out for the nuclear family and biological men and women.

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Should Conservatives Concede the Gay Marriage Debate?

Should Conservatives Concede the Gay Marriage Debate?

This threat of radical gender theory is where many on the right would like to direct our attention. However, the redefining of marriage and gender identity has glaring similarities: the rejection of gender roles and key distinctions rooted in biological realities.

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Media Matter's Hit on Allie Stuckey Proves the Left Hates Christians

Media Matter's Hit on Allie Stuckey Proves the Left Hates Christians

It doesn’t make sense to be angry that a Christian has a Christian podcast where they teach Christian concepts and values. Media Matters could have saved some time and plainly wrote: “Stuckey is a danger because she’s a sincere Christian, has the gull to be vocal about it, and wants her audience to vote.”

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Authors J.K. Rowling and Matt Walsh Spar Over Singer Macy Gray's Transgender Flip-Flop

Authors J.K. Rowling and Matt Walsh Spar Over Singer Macy Gray's Transgender Flip-Flop

Rowling isn’t wrong that many women are intimidated into silence. But Walsh isn’t wrong that men and women who stay silent, are contributing to the problem. Do they deserve equal scorn? Walsh doesn’t think so, and he softened his tone while engaging with Rowling.

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Fox News Draws Backlash After Airing Pro-Transgender Propaganda

Fox News Draws Backlash After Airing Pro-Transgender Propaganda

Ryland’s mother, Hillary, claimed her “son” Ryland knew she was a boy before being able to speak. Cues like not liking feminine clothing tipped her off. When the child came out at the tender age of five, Ryland had the “full support of his parents.”

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Conservative's Book Reaches #1 After Amazon Reveals Major Bias

Conservative's Book Reaches #1 After Amazon Reveals Major Bias

On Tuesday, Libs of Tiktok posted a video of Amazon leadership holding a session, which addressed the “traumatic experience” of having Johnny the Walrus recommended to shoppers. Johnny the Walrus is a best-selling children’s book by conservative commentator Matt Walsh, who writes and has a show with The Daily Wire. The book is about a boy who says he’s a walrus, and his mother takes drastic measures to make him live this reality. It was referred to as “problematic.”

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That State of Our Union is Sick

That State of Our Union is Sick

We are weak. We are depraved. And most egregiously, we are cowards. Many Americans know we’re headed down a path of destruction. I’m not prophesying a worldwide flood, but a nation that allows such brutality against their children—mentally and physically—won’t survive.

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USA Today Snubs Women by Listing a Man Among "Women of the Year"

USA Today Snubs Women by Listing a Man Among "Women of the Year"

You’ve probably heard USA Today named Rachel Levine as a “Woman of the Year.” That’s a pretty remarkable accomplishment, considering Levine is a man. He was born a man, remains a man, and will die a man, yet has excelled above more than 166 million legitimate contenders.

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The Groomers are Triggered: Viral "Blue's Clues" Criticism Video Hurts Feelings

The Groomers are Triggered: Viral "Blue's Clues" Criticism Video Hurts Feelings

I’ve been called a homophobe a lot over the past two weeks, and I don’t honestly care. Most of the negativity comes from groomers and a bunch of confused kids who feel as though you’re denying their very existence if you do not acknowledge their identity. Well, it’s not about me. It’s certainly not about their fragile egos or lack of self-esteem. It’s about our children while at one of the most vulnerable and malleable times in their lives. I wanted to inform parents, and I did my job.

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Cartoon Network Moves To Indoctrinate Gender Ideology

Cartoon Network Moves To Indoctrinate Gender Ideology

Gender identification has become an enormous fad for the political left over the past couple of years, and the targeting keeps getting younger and younger. This week, Cartoon Network posted a comic strip on their Twitter page, “educating” their audience on the topic.

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