The War We Must Fight To Win

About this time last year, the country was entangled in accusations of election fraud and President Trump was issuing several challenges to the results. I went to a local Republican event, and election integrity was the hot topic of conversation. At my table, someone turned to me and asked what I thought was the greatest concern moving forward.

“If we don’t break through the media’s barrier, I don’t care how many election measures you put into place. We’ll never win an election again.”

There’s a reason why Democrats are so confident in pushing for a national popular vote. They’ve mastered the art of producing an emotionally charged electorate rather than one that is factually informed. Think of the many big talking points from the left during Trump’s presidency. The pictures of “kids in cages” were from the Obama administration era. They said Trump called neo-Nazis “fine people,” even though he condemned them in the same speech. The Russia Collusion hoax fell apart. The Atlantic’s “losers and suckers” hit-piece was heavily refuted. The bounty hunter story was false, and the list goes on. There are legitimate reasons to dislike Trump, but so many voters despised him based on strategic lies, pushed by a propaganda machine. On the flip side, the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop were actively suppressed by big tech.

The majority of the information and entertainment we consume are controlled by the political left, so they know they can win in a raw numbers game.

Movies, television, and even comics have always dabbled in politics, but they used to be intertwined in elegant storytelling meant to entertain. Now, narratives are beaten into us with heavy clubs. Woke writers hold resentment for everyday Americans; it’s evident when nihilistic writers like Ta-Nehisi Coates are recruited to write Captain America, and then compare Professor Jordan Peterson, and the multitudes of men he’s helped, to the Red Skull and HYDRA. Not even shows for preschoolers are safe from writers who seek to legitimize themselves through the indoctrination of toddlers, which we see in shows like Blue’s Clues. Nothing is safe. Nothing is sacred. You can’t even work in corporate America without being told to be less white. And if you don’t march along to the orders from the tyrannical system, you’ll be slandered and fired like Gina Carano. Even if you apologize and try to be rehabilitated like Chris Harrison, who was with The Bachelor for 19 years, you will be canceled.

62% of Americans are afraid to voice their real political opinions. I am not one of those people, and I began Black Tea News because I don’t want to be a lone fighter. I will if I have to, but I cannot turn the tide alone. Trump voters passionately boasted about the “silent majority,” but what good are they if we’re silently led to our doom?

Social pressure can dramatically shift political landscapes. For example, to repeal abortion restrictions, the male founders of NARAL blatantly lied about the public support of it. Now, over 63 million babies have been killed since Roe V Wade. If you’re not willing to stand up for what you believe in, the vocal minority will bully enough people into their worldview. Congressmen and governors are already using phrases like “birthing people” and “people with periods.” How long before we reject all objective truth in favor of false popularity?

So, how do we fix this? It will take time. The left didn’t flip the country upside-down overnight, but this is something that must be rectified urgently. Exposure is important. People need to be brave enough to come forward, like whistleblowers who shine a light on corporate America and schools to people like Chris Rufo, who has made it his life mission to destroy critical race theory. Independent media needs to be supported. Without independent media being on the ground in Kenosha, Kyle Rittenhouse may have been convicted of murder. The Daily Wire had a huge impact on Virginia’s gubernatorial race, after exposing the Loudoun County school board’s alleged coverup of a young girl’s sexual assault. You may have to give up big entertainment brands you love and direct your dollars to content creators who don’t hate you and everything else you stand for. You’re only funding a machine that will phase your morals and values out of existence by pulling your cultural significance out from underneath your feet. You have to be politically engaged, especially on a local level. But most importantly, you have to be brave enough to have conversations with your neighbors, friends, and family. Be cordial but be challenging if you have to. Push past emotions and get back to critical thinking.

We can win but only if you’re willing to fight. And while there are plenty of Americans willing to fight, most don’t even know where the true battle is. Media is a weapon, so go wage war.