Biden Disappoints Voters First Month In Office

It’s been one month since Joe Biden officially became president. Though it’s easy to find sycophants sighing with relief over a return to “normalcy,” many Biden voters who made up his historic vote totals are jaded.

The most notable anger from Biden voters surrounds $2,000 stimulus checks. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats clearly were not interested in passing any sort of relief prior to the November election, just in case, it resulted in more votes for President Trump. After the election, Americans received $600 checks (though Trump vocalized he wanted more done). With the Senate’s future on the line, $2,000 was the carrot Democrats dangled in front of voter’s faces. After both seats were won, the narrative changed from $2,000 to $1,400. Biden rationalized by stating $600 was the down payment, but an entirely different president signed that bill. How can Trump make a down payment on Biden’s $2,000 promise?

If you’re two adults living together, $600 vs $2,000 is the difference between one month of rent vs four. If it’s a matter of “not every American needs it,” then they should have figured that out before passing out $600. It can’t be a matter of America not being able to afford it, because the current stimulus package is a wish list of nonrelated Covid use, such as millions to environmental groups, Silicon Valley projects, bailing out states that mismanaged funds, and so on. A good way to slow up those stimulus checks is to load it with pork.

War on Energy
Among Biden’s sweeping executive orders was one stopping the production of the Keystone Pipeline. A few unions that endorsed Biden called out the new president, suggesting this was a devastating blow and a political gesture toward his more radical base. With the stroke of a pen, a potential of tens of thousands of jobs was lost. When the White House was asked about their decision, Press Secretary Psaki reminded everyone that Biden said he would close down the pipeline. Anyone paying close attention to Biden’s campaign knew he would be bad on American energy independence, but the media constantly played games as if his past promises to end fossil fuels were empty campaign rhetoric.  


Covid Response
Biden made a rather bold proclamation: 100 million vaccinations within the first 100 days of his administration. Only, it wasn’t that impressive once you realized the US was already vaccinating a million per day. The Biden Administration has insinuated they didn’t have much to start with and received pushback from voices like Dr. Anthony Fauci. Biden himself downplayed the former administration’s Covid accomplishments, even though he received the vaccine before taking office.

The Biden Administration did buy enough vaccines to make sure all Americans could be vaccinated, but with mixed messaging, many are questioning if there is a point. If journalists and officials are going to keep pushing that we have to wear masks and social distance into next year, the young and healthy are asking if a vaccination is necessary. If a fully vaccinated US is what Biden is after, they’re doing it wrong.

Also, parents are desperate for their children to go back to school. Biden stated it was important to him, yet teacher’s unions are clearly driving this issue. The CDC admitted it’s not merely science driving their recommendations. If the relief bill passes, schools will receive money, whether they open or not. Unions claim they want vaccine preference, but the teachers most at risk in higher age brackets, already receive preference.

If Biden and teacher’s unions want to empower public education, this is not the way.


Broken Promise on Respect
President Biden made a pledge to return decency to the office. Part of that was giving a stern warning to his staff. "I'm not joking when I say this: If you're ever working with me and I hear you treat another with disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise you I will fire you on the spot. On the spot. No, if, and, or buts."

Unfortunately, Biden didn’t live up to this standard when news of TJ Ducklo’s behavior dropped. The former Deputy Press Secretary was outed for lashing out at journalist Tara Palmeri, who had questions regarding his personal relationship with an Axios political reporter who covered the Biden campaign. Ducklo threatened to “destroy” her if she published the story, and also made derogatory comments about Palmeri during an off-the-record phone call.

The White House opted to suspend Ducklo for one week. It’s a far cry from “fired on the spot.” Ducklo ended up resigning from his position.


It’s incredible that many Biden voters claimed immigration was important to them. Trump was the orange monster who put “kids in cages.” But Trump asked an important question on the debate stage. “Who built those cages?” Yes, those facilities, and the fences that kept children in, were built by the Obama-Biden administration. After Biden’s win, celebrities celebrated that there’d be no more kids in cages. However, unaccompanied minors are being held in facilities, including the ones Biden, Harris, and others raged about.

Activists are also angry that Biden’s promises to halt deportations have come up short.


A month isn’t a long time to judge an administration, but it’s enough time for first-time voters to feel betrayed and regret their vote. Luckily for Biden, there are no takebacks. Elections have consequences, and Democrats may see consequences in 2022 and 2024 for breaking his word.