BLM Group Shows Support for Hamas' Terror Attack on Civilians

If you uttered the words “All lives matter” in 2020, you would have been met with intense backlash and accused of not caring specifically about black lives. Activists would state the purpose of “black lives matter” was to highlight the particular dangers in the black community, and I believe that’s true for many people who used the hashtag or changed their profile to a black square. However, I think it’s also true that “all lives matter” is offensive to many because some lives, to these activists, do not matter.

Quite the accusation, but images posted by Black Lives Matter Chicago lends credibility to this statement. On X (formerly Twitter), they posted a picture with the phrase “I stand with Palestine” on it, but the image also features a paraglider flying the Palestinian flag.

Thankfully, a community note was added to give context and enlighten the world of their evil. “On October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists in paragliders attacked a music festival in Israel, killing over 260 people.”

Hamas gunned down civilians, raped women near the corpses of their friends, kidnapped women so they could be defiled, and paraded dead bodies in trucks as trophies. Supporting land or better living conditions for people is one thing, but to condone violence is another.

But violence has always followed BLM. In the summer riots of 2020, activists justified looting, arson, and property damage as “cries of the unheard.” We were told that if you cared about stores being robbed or communities being burned, you cared “more about things than black lives.” When you chant, “No justice no peace,” that’s a threat. There may be varying degrees to how you plan to disrupt the peace, but 2020 made it clear that violence was an acceptable answer.

BLM Chicago also released a graphic on social media urging people to not criticize Palestinians for violence because it’s not our place to tell “Palestinians how to resist” and they have a “legal right” to act out.

But there is no legal right to kidnap children, rape women, and shoot babies in the face.

Patrisse Cullors, who co-founded BLM and is a professed “trained Marxist,” has clearly made her opinions on Israel known. “Palestine is our generation’s South Africa, and if we don’t stop up boldly and courageously to end the imperialist project called Israel, we’re doomed.”

South Africa set up a racially segregated government between whites and nonwhites pre-1990s. The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) denounces the allegation of Israel being an apartied state. “Whether such a description is being used to describe Israeli policies towards Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, or towards Arab citizens of Israel, the label is inaccurate, offensive, and often used to delegitimize and denigrate Israel as a whole.” While the ADL acknowledges the country can do better to address societal issues, they claim the definition doesn’t fit.

“Within Israel, there are safeguards aimed at ensuring the equal treatment of all citizens, Jewish or Arab, and Israeli laws and democratic institutions, including the independent courts and robust free press, assigned to uphold and speak out for these rights.  Representing over 20% of Israel’s population, Israeli Arab citizens serve as judges, ambassadors, legislators, journalists, professors, artists and play prominent roles in all aspects of Israeli society. And for the first time, as of June 2021, an Islamist Arab political party is a partner in a governing coalition.”

Black Lives Matter Grassroots also said they stand “in solidarity with our Palestinian family who are currently resisting 57 years of settler colonialism and apartheid. As Black people continue the fight to end militarism and mass incarceration in our own communities, let us understand the resistance in Palestine as an attempt to tear down the gates of the world’s largest open air prison.”

At a Palestinian rally in Dearborn, MI, activists chanted “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” and then “No justice, no peace.”

They also noted that BLM events fly Palestinian flags, but they believe white supremacist rallies fly Israeli flags. I highly doubt a white supremacist rally would be welcoming of men like Ben Shapiro, but they are correct that BLM stands in solidarity with Palestine. That’s also quite interesting considering BLM’s intense pro-LGBT agenda.

There has been outrage from people on the right and the left. They even deleted it and gave a half-hearted apology. Jake Tapper from CNN even noted on his show how antisemitism was coming from the Left, and that shouldn’t be new information for a so-called journalist. He could look no further than at some very progressive Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s father once pitched supporting Israel to President Dwight D. Eisenhower by vowing to promote Western values in the Middle East, especially since the Arab nations would not stand against communist regimes. BLM has always had a goal to “disrupt the Western prescribed” values. BLM has always been an organization cozy with violence to justify its endgame. Hopefully, gullible Americans who bought T-shirts and used the hashtags will wake up after seeing BLM’s support for Hamas’ barbarism.