They Love Death Like We Love Life

They Love Death Like We Love Life

I’ve been told that both sides want the same thing and have been chastised for standing up for Israel. Well, please, show me where in the Israeli government they make it a priority to exterminate Muslims because I know Hamas speaks of eradicating Jews in their charter. When Hamas says, “We love death like our enemies love life,” that demonstrates they have opposite goals.

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BLM Group Shows Support for Hamas' Terror Attack on Civilians

BLM Group Shows Support for Hamas' Terror Attack on Civilians

Patrisse Cullors, who co-founded BLM and is a professed “trained Marxist,” has clearly made her opinions on Israel known. “Palestine is our generation’s South Africa, and if we don’t stop up boldly and courageously to end the imperialist project called Israel, we’re doomed.”

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Plot Twist: “Dilbert” Creator Scott Adams Canceled for Being a Poster Child for Critical Race Theory

Plot Twist: “Dilbert” Creator Scott Adams Canceled for Being a Poster Child for Critical Race Theory

CRT teaches that white people are racist, they don’t have an incentive to not be racist, and when they do something that’s the opposite of racist, they’re still racist—but their selfishness is more important than their racism. I don’t believe Scott Adams necessarily agrees with critical race theory’s tenants, but he is responding to the reality of its conclusions and impact.

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Black Lives Matter's Agenda Against Biological Men and Women

Black Lives Matter's Agenda Against Biological Men and Women

So, if you did anything to elevate this group, whether it was using the hashtag, sharing their website, or giving a donation, know that you gave to a group spearheaded by lesbian self-described “trained Marxists,” who have it out for the nuclear family and biological men and women.

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Governor Whitmer's Racial Discrepancy Problem

Governor Whitmer's Racial Discrepancy Problem

If Whitmer is truly “committed” to making Michigan a “model for equality, understanding, and fairness,” she shouldn’t want to lead a state where half the abortion business comes from black bodies.

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Wokeness and Racial Justice Will Not Save the American Church

Wokeness and Racial Justice Will Not Save the American Church

The left is trying to make it impossible for black Americans, including Christians, to step outside of their permissible way of thinking. If they think about not voting democrat, they lose their blackness. And over the past few years, many white Americans have been guilted into hating themselves and apologizing for their “whiteness.” This ideology is leaking into the church, and it will pollute the church’s message.

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Christians were Duped by Black Lives Matter

Christians were Duped by Black Lives Matter

When confronted with the more radical principles of BLM, the rationale was generally they supported the “movement” and not the group. Considering BLM raised over $90 million last year, many certainly supported the group. However, what if the movement was based on a lie?

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Buyer's Remorse? Biden Supporters Already Expressing Concerns and Disagreements

Buyer's Remorse? Biden Supporters Already Expressing Concerns and Disagreements

Reality is slowly creeping in for some Biden voters, and we’re only moving into day four of his administration. From lockdowns to destroying tens of thousands of jobs already, voters aren’t getting what they expected, but they are getting what they deserve.

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Yelp's New Racism Policies May Potentially Hurt Innocent Businesses

Yelp's New Racism Policies May Potentially Hurt Innocent Businesses

In a world where Black Lives Matter activists march to restaurants and harass patrons until they throw up their fists and chant their mantra like a cult, you’d think businesses would discourage witch hunts. Unfortunately, that’s not the world we live in.

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Why "All Lives Matter" is Offensive to the Left

Why "All Lives Matter" is Offensive to the Left

BLM doesn’t care about “all” black lives, such as children killed in the womb or victims of black on black crime. They don’t even care about black lives in general. They only care about the context of how blacks are killed: by the hands of police.

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