The Most Unattractive Man in the World

I’m aware this is quite the controversial headline regarding Robert “Beto” Francis O’Rourke. He’s been serenaded by women, and his face is literally on a giant field in Texas at this very moment. There was a lot of fanfare regarding O’Rourke’s run for Senate, and considering that his presidential fundraising numbers are already a whopping $6 million plus, I’d say the hype still exists. However, there’s one tiny important piece to the puzzle missing from Betomania that the media forgot to acknowledge: substance.

And by “tiny”, I mean “insidiously massive.”

Recently, two great examples surfaced.

While in Cleveland, a woman asked O’Rourke if he were for or against third-trimester abortions. The woman laid out paragraph while teeing it up. She remarked how sometimes, late-term abortions can take days, they’re painful, and doctors are typically better off inducing labor in a medical emergency. So, what was his answer? “That should be a decision that the woman makes.”

So, his opinion is that he has no opinion. Not as a man. Not as a human being. He defers all responsibility of having a thought to women. Though I also despised President Barrack Obama’s answer of “that’s above my pay grade,” I still believe O’Rourke comes off a lot more spineless.

O’Rourke botched another abortion question from a young student. He referred to a bill that failed in the Senate, regarding giving medical care to children born alive after surviving an abortion. The student makes it clear that the purpose isn’t about limiting reproductive rights.

“The way I would approach your question and this issue generally is to trust women to make their own decisions about their own bodies.”

Well, O’Rourke didn’t need to answer the question in general. He had a direct question from an individual about a specific bill that O’Rourke would have voted on if he had defeated Senator Ted Cruz in the 2018 midterms, so expecting O’Rourke to have a specific thought in his head wasn’t out-of-the-box. It technically shouldn’t have been a “gotcha,” though the RNC research team is blasting it out.

O’Rourke then went on to talk about cancer screenings, mental health, and paternal care. He said everything he needed to say to trigger a round of applause, but if anyone in that room had more sense than a trained seal, they should have been alarmed by O’Rourke’s incapability to think critically.

The Democrat primary may very well be the slugfest Republicans faced in 2015-16. If there are 20 Democrats on stage, it doesn’t matter if O’Rourke has the most cash in his pocket. President Donald Trump came in fast and hard with an issue many Republicans were passionate about and summed it up with one visualization: the wall. He didn’t need everyone to like him. He didn’t even need a majority. He just needed enough of a solid base to weed out the competition. What are O’Rourke’s issues? What are his original thoughts?

President Trump, in my opinion, didn’t do great on the first presidential debate. By the second, someone set his switch to kill mode. He was focused, he was brutal, and he was substantive. O’Rourke’s unimaginative answers would make him prey to a president that has the bragging rights of a booming economy.

Beto is nothing more than a Gorgeous Gilly. Gilly is a comic book character that can hypnotize men into believing she’s the most beautiful woman in the world. Beto didn’t need psychic powers though. He had the power of the mainstream media that was desperate to raise a viable candidate to compete in the south and sweep the electoral college.

I can respect ambition. It’s actually a very sexy quality in a man, but Beto has no mental fortitude. He absolutely denied that he was going to run for president during the midterms, and I think he was probably telling the truth. So, what happened? Some people that knew he could fundraise and blow a bunch of cash on them and their friends probably convinced him to give it a try. It happens in politics all the time. Beto is a cash cow. He’s not a commander-in-chief.

Now, I think the ugliest thing a man can do is surrender to forsake the innocent. If you strip a man down to his most primal roles, you get provider and protector. A man that can’t stand up and say a baby should receive medical care after they had the strength and will to survive an abortion, is not a man at all. O’Rourke doesn’t even have the balls to offer a genuine opinion. This is a father who has probably seen a blob on a sonogram and held a fresh newborn in his arms. Those experiences should be able to inspire a genuine thought. Going straight up Gosnell on a baby to avoid having an accountable answer is not becoming of someone that wants to run the most powerful nation in the world.

O’Rourke isn’t alone in his belief that he should lack an opinion for being a man. There are even folks on my side of the aisle that feel the same way, and I hate that too. I would never want to be with a man that wouldn’t stand up for his kid.

Women cannot bring children into the world alone. No, men don’t carry children in the womb for nine months, but children without good fathers tend to carry those wounds for rest of their lives. I can offer anecdotal stories or straight up statistics, but let’s all stop pretending that men are not important in this equation.

After all, abortion advocates don’t seem to mind that five male judges decided Roe V Wade. Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff in that case, fought against abortion for the rest of her life.

The entire nation’s eyes are on Beto right now, and I believe that anyone running for president should be able to afford some moral courage. Unfortunately, even with millions of dollars resting in his coffers, Beto has proven to be quite cheap.