Cyber Security Experts say Macomb County is "Ahead of the Trend" on Election Integrity

Cyber Security Experts say Macomb County is "Ahead of the Trend" on Election Integrity

Forlini wasn’t serving as county clerk during the contentious 2020 election, but he’s made big changes since taking office. “I firmly believe that what Tony is doing here with this accomplishes a couple of goals, and I think he’s ahead of the trend.” Cotton went on to speak of the importance of digitally preserving records in case there is ever a dispute.

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Never Trumpers Are Never Victory

Never Trumpers Are Never Victory

The truth is, Trump is a disruptor. Never Trumpers rather maintain decorum than win or get anything done. Whether they seek adulation from foes who despise them like Senator Mitt Romney or profess a “why can’t we all get along” attitude like former Governor John Kasich, they’d rather lose than lead.

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The Most Unattractive Man in the World

The Most Unattractive Man in the World

Beto is nothing more than a Gorgeous Gilly. Gilly is a comic book character that can hypnotize men into believing she’s the most beautiful woman in the world. Beto didn’t need psychic powers though. He had the power of the mainstream media that was desperate to raise a viable candidate to compete in the south and sweep the electoral college.

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The Acosta Diaries

The Acosta Diaries

If the press tries to blast President Trump, he’s going to use Ultra Instinct to ride their wave of hatred and throw a Kamehameha Wave pointblank in their faces. He loves having an enemy to fight, and CNN has to fight Trump for ratings (and because they despise him).

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