Retribution v. Optimism

Retribution v. Optimism

The idea of Trump returning for a big finale is tempting. It feels like justice for millions of voters who believe the election was unfair (whether through fraud or Big Tech and media manipulation), or at least like vindication for those who supported Trump, knowing he was a far better president than Biden. But I’ve also heard Trump supporters say they were only interested in “retribution.” …A DeSantis supporter responded to the “retribution” motivation with, “I don’t have time for retribution; I’ve got kids.”

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Trump Campaign: End Primary Debates to Stop the Election from Being Stolen

Trump Campaign: End Primary Debates to Stop the Election from Being Stolen

Demanding an end to the primaries before a single ballot is cast, in order to save future elections, is nonsensical. Primaries are a part of our democratic process. If the confident Trump campaign wants to lay the groundwork for an effective general election strategy and protect their win, there’s nothing stopping them from focusing their energy and manpower there now.

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The Identity Crisis of Republican Leadership

The Identity Crisis of Republican Leadership

Republicans are facing an identity crisis. Abandoning moral convictions won’t win over more voters; it’ll only create more Democrats and tell conservatives to stay home. Competency is the answer. We need competency in governing and competency in communication. Give the voters an opportunity to understand your positions rather than surrendering the narrative to the Democrats, or abandoning them altogether.

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The Most Unattractive Man in the World

The Most Unattractive Man in the World

Beto is nothing more than a Gorgeous Gilly. Gilly is a comic book character that can hypnotize men into believing she’s the most beautiful woman in the world. Beto didn’t need psychic powers though. He had the power of the mainstream media that was desperate to raise a viable candidate to compete in the south and sweep the electoral college.

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