Obama is Dishonest about Hispanic Voters

It’s amazing that politicians directed so much anger and vitriol at Trump over comments he makes, yet they feel no remorse for trashing wide swaths of Americans. Today, I’m talking specifically about the media’s darling: former President Barrack Obama.

Yesterday, Obama went on The Breakfast Club and made what should be controversial comments about evangelicals and Hispanics. “… There’s a lot of evangelical Hispanics who, the fact that Trump says racist things about Mexicans, or puts undocumented workers in cages, they think that’s less important than the fact that he supports their views on gay marriage or abortion."

There is a lot to unpack there that is absolutely wrong and blatantly dishonest.

If Democrats don’t accept that minorities voted for Trump for legitimate policy reasons, they’re going to have a rude awakening in 2022. Democrats can spread division and shame through their communities by pushing “skin folk ain’t kinfolk” and declassifying Cubans as ethnic groups, but they’ll continue to lose support. Trump reached out to Black Americans with policies that benefited them. Hispanics care about legal immigration, the economy, and they hate socialism.

Joe Biden may not be Senator Bernie Sanders or “The Squad,” but they vouched for him and claimed he’d be a progressive president. Black Lives Matter co-founders, who are self-described “trained Marxist,” said their goal was to get rid of Trump and to push Biden to their agenda. Out of all the Democrats he could have chosen, he picked Kamala Harris—the most liberal Senator in the country. She’s stated support of job-killing, overreaching policies like The Green New Deal and Medicare for All. The week of the election, Harris posted a video promoting the idea of equal outcome, which is absolutely impossible with some sort of government force.

Biden also served as Obama’s Vice President, and they were cozier with dictators like Fidel Castro than what Cuban Americans preferred. When Castro passed, Obama put out a statement that his defenders would call presidential, but critics found it too favorable. Obama also has socialist tendencies. He’s stated in the past that he believes in the redistribution of wealth. While he was running for president, his conversation with “Joe the Plumber” came into the spotlight because he defended his ideas on taxing the success of Americans.

Obama could have the guts to admit the Democrat’s flirtation with socialism concerned voters, but the former president is used to writing whatever narrative he wants. He had the gull to bring up “undocumented workers in cages” as if his administration did not build those cages or deport illegal aliens. Obama is truly a legend in his own mind.

Evangelicals for Trump had many events, and though marriage between one man and one woman remains the ideal union for Christians, it wasn’t a focus of those events. Traditional marriage was not a focus of the election, nor did it rate in the top ten issues for Hispanics.

Abortion did make the cut, but if you believe life begins at conception and abortion is murder, it’s the most egregious practice in America, especially given our scientific advancements and understanding of fetal development. If there is an issue worth being a single-issue voter, it’s abortion.

But this wasn’t a single-issue election for Republicans. For Democrats, Trump was their single issue. “Racist comments” is a reason they cite for Trump being a terrible tyrant. But many of the evils voters have in mind for Trump aren’t grounded in reality. Trump didn’t call Neo-Nazis “very fine people,” he never called Mexicans “animals,” and disliking Black Lives Matter and wanting athletes to stand for the National Anthem doesn’t make you a racist. It’s not that Trump voters have to look past Trump’s “racism.” They’ve looked past the media’s hysteria.

During Obama’s presidency, the Democrat Party’s power withered in the House, Senate, governorships, and state legislatures. If Democrats choose to listen to Obama’s inaccurate and misleading election analysis, they’ll restart their losing streak.  

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