GOP Not Worried About Angry Pro-Lifers, They Don't Have "Much of an Option"

GOP Not Worried About Angry Pro-Lifers, They Don't Have "Much of an Option"

“They rolled us,” she explained, after noting that delegates spent thousands of dollars to be there. “I’ve never seen this happen before. I don’t understand why they did it, and I’m extremely disappointed that we do not have any pro-life language.” Though there were many things in the platform Ruzicka approved, she wouldn’t vote for it herself. “I’ve been coming to the convention since 1992, and this is the first time we don’t have a pro-life platform.”

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Black Georgia Pastors Support Warnock, Yet Warnock Votes Against Their Principles

Black Georgia Pastors Support Warnock, Yet Warnock Votes Against Their Principles

And though it isn’t Warnock’s job to legislate from the Bible in the senate, you would expect faith leaders to push someone who is going to protect their first amendment rights and represent their values. After all, their congregations are looking to them for leadership. Why vote for someone who would make it easier for them to be sued or muzzled?

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Wokeness and Racial Justice Will Not Save the American Church

Wokeness and Racial Justice Will Not Save the American Church

The left is trying to make it impossible for black Americans, including Christians, to step outside of their permissible way of thinking. If they think about not voting democrat, they lose their blackness. And over the past few years, many white Americans have been guilted into hating themselves and apologizing for their “whiteness.” This ideology is leaking into the church, and it will pollute the church’s message.

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Obama is Dishonest about Hispanic Voters

Obama is Dishonest about Hispanic Voters

It’s amazing that politicians directed so much anger and vitriol at Trump over comments he makes, yet they feel no remorse for trashing wide swaths of Americans. Today, I’m talking specifically about the media’s darling: former President Barrack Obama.

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Kasich and the Deceitful Heart

Kasich and the Deceitful Heart

Four days ago, Kasich claimed Trump couldn’t unite people. Yesterday, social media was abuzz with suggestions that President Trump deserved a Nobel Peace Prize. He’d certainly deserve it more than Obama.

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