Kasich and the Deceitful Heart

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Former Ohio Governor John Kasich is at it again. When he announced that he would be speaking at the Democrat National Convention, I felt absolutely justified for deciding he was my absolute last pick out of Republican presidential potentials in the 2016 election.

I’ve spoken about his, “why can’t we all just get along?” attitude before. That’s truly what my gripe is with Kasich and many Never Trumpers. They want to preserve their image of the Republican Party, but they aren’t willing to fight to protect the ideals, values, or conserve conservatism.

In an interview with Erin Burnett on CNN’s “OutFront,” he explained, with very little substance, why he would not be supporting Trump. He claimed voting for Trump is not “consistent” with his belief and the bible.

Kasich believes former Vice-President Joe Biden will bring America together, but what proof does he have of that? Black Lives Matter rose to fame under the Obama administration, and they were rioting while chanting “pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon.” Riots broke out after the 2016 election, still during their term. Obama-Biden may have promoted the appearance of peacefully transitioning the country over to President Trump, but we know now that they spied on the Trump campaign and targeted General Michael Flynn. According to handwritten notes by Peter Strzok, Biden suggested using the Logan Act to prosecute General Flynn, even though his call to the Russian ambassador was “legit,” according to then-FBI Director James Comey.

Joe Biden also continues to push the “fine people” hoax. Biden falsely claims that President Trump called Neo-Nazi’s fine people in regard to Charlottesville, but on the very same transcript, Trump makes it clear he’s totally condemning them. The damage to the country by pushing a lie that the top man is a racist Nazi is incredible. The Obama administration and former officials also helped to push the debunked belief that Trump won the election through Russian collusion. What can be more dividing than pushing a lie that our elected leader was installed by a foreign operative? Is it acceptable to bear false witness like this?

Things may be more quiet and peaceful under Biden since the media won’t be fanning the flames of hate every day. Perhaps there will be less riots, because the Marxists got their wish with malleable Biden. But why should Republicans be okay with surrendering? Why should we be so soft? Why should we allow them to hold our nation hostage?

Kasich talked about Biden’s faith, but what good is your faith if you don’t let it influence you? Biden ditched his long-standing belief in the Hyde-Amendment because the Twitter rage demanded it. So, not only is Biden supporting abortion; he expects taxpayer dollars to fund it. His VP pick, Kamala Harris, is even further. She prosecuted a journalist in California because he went undercover and exposed Planned Parenthood’s sale of baby parts.

Kasich also stated, “the faith is a matter of your personal relationship,” but this is not true. Your personal relationship with Christ is extraordinarily important, but faith without works is dead. The gospel requires Christians to live by faith, act on their faith, speak about their faith, and compel others into it. It’s not a passive or a quiet religion.

He acknowledged Biden was flawed, but he doesn’t extend the same courtesy toward Trump.

Kasich said he believed the best presidents were “uniters” and Trump is a divider. Trump can be unifying, he simply isn’t a pushover.

Kasich is about to vote for the most pro-abortion ticket in history, a ticket that would empower Iran, force schools to let biological boys dominate in girl sports, target Christian hospitals that don’t want to remove uteruses from healthy women, and a ticket that would sue nuns.

President Trump has been extremely pro-life, obliterated ISIS who were killing Christians overseas, strengthened our relationship with Israel, and brokered a historic peace agreement between Israel and the UAE.

Four days ago, Kasich claimed Trump couldn’t unite people. Yesterday, social media was abuzz with suggestions that President Trump deserved a Nobel Peace Prize. He’d certainly deserve it more than Obama.

Kasich is free to act however his heart dictates, but “the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”