Democrats Think Their Voters Are Stupid


It’s becoming increasingly clear: Democrats have very little respect for their voters. They solely depend on misinformation to win, and they do it with an ironic wink and a smile.

Last night, former First Lady Michelle Obama gave a speech, painting a grim picture of America. She raised eyebrows when she mentioned Trump putting kids in cages and ripping them from their mothers.

Well, even the fact-checkers had to check Michelle on that. Her husband’s administration was responsible for building those cages. Some defenders have pointed out that Obama’s people only separated the children for a little while, and Trump had a “zero-tolerance” policy. Yeah, that is true, but it’s also true that because Obama didn’t thoroughly vet the folks crossing the border, children were released into the arms of sex-traffickers. The Trump administration vetted to see if the children were related to their caretakers or if they traveled with coyotes.

Why would Michelle bring this up, other than trusting that she can emotionally trigger her audience and know she can get away with it? AP and a couple of other papers may have been honest (in a random act of journalism), but will the commentators on CNN, ABC, and MSNBC?

After all, Biden was the VP when those cages were built.

Tonight, President Bill Clinton will be speaking. Mind you, Clinton not only has credible sexual assault allegations thrown against him, but his relationship with Jeffery Epstein has also been exposed. Court documents say that Clinton has been to Epstein’s island. Pictures have emerged of Clinton with one of Epstein’s victims.

Yet Clinton, who stuck a cigar inside an intern’s vagina, will lecture Trump on what is appropriate behavior in the Oval Office.

In this #MeToo world, how is it possible that Clinton would be a major headliner? Democrats always swept Bill’s indiscretions under the rug. Hillary Clinton was allowed to coin the phrase “vast right-wing conspiracy” in defense of her husband, and still uses it to this day. Obviously, it wasn’t a conspiracy. They don’t need Clinton at the convention. He didn’t even make a good case for his wife in 2016. What good will he do Biden?

Yet they give one minute to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, one of their rising stars. Perhaps it’s because they’re too busy courting independents and republicans with Trump fatigue? John Kasich headlined Monday night, promising that Joe wouldn’t go too far to the left (even though Bernie Sanders assured his fans Biden would cave). Tonight, Cindy McCain will make the case for Joe Biden. That’s no surprise, considering President Trump’s remarks over the late senator. But John McCain had his share of scandals involving the president, including turning over the discredited Steele dossier to the FBI.

Russiagate was a hoax, and many Obama officials knew it. Democrats like Adam Schiff went on show after show, knowing Trump wasn’t a foreign operative, but why not push the lie? He needs to build a narrative. It’s no different when he misrepresented Trump’s phone call to the Ukrainians, using congress as a theater to paint the president as a Russian mob boss.

Why not lie? They know the media will let them get away with it, and they believe their voters are too stupid to look past their disinformation.

In Michigan, Governor Whitmer is urging voters to mail back their ballots as soon as possible. Why? She doesn’t want to take the chance that Michigan voters can be persuaded if exposed to the truth.

Something does happen when people look up what Trump said vs how the media reported it. When they realize they’ve been lied to about him, they wonder what else they’ve been lied to about. It starts a chain reaction, and they begin to walk away.

Trump never colluded with the Russians to win his election, and he never called neo-Nazis “very fine” people, he was impeached for no crime, he never had unmarked federal agents kidnap “peaceful protesters,” he’s not responsible for the thousands of COVID-19 deaths (especially when nearly a majority can be linked to bad nursing home policies tied to Democrat governors), and he’s not stealing mailboxes to help his chances of winning.

Democrats need lies because they can’t win on the issues. They push narratives, so they don’t have to challenge ideas.

The Obamacare architect, Professor Jonathan Gruber, said the stupidity of American voters and the lack of transparency is why the bill was able to pass.

Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.
— Jonathan Gruber

If you’re a Democrat, don’t be too woke to wake up.