Why Do Democrats Excuse Biden's Racism?

Democrats claim President Trump is signaling white supremacists with “dog whistles,” yet they ignore Joe Biden’s bullhorns.

I’m sure you’ve seen Joe Biden’s infamous “You ain’t black,” video from the Breakfast Club. My younger sister showed it to me the day it broke, and she was fuming. “Joe Biden just told them he doesn’t have a black agenda, and he doesn’t need one. You have to vote for him anyway, or you’re not black.”

I wasn’t hit the same way, because I already experienced a hard truth: many progressives feel this way. Black Republicans have dealt with scorn from Black Democrats. It’s annoying and awful, but at least it was more of a community discrepancy. In 2016, I was confronted by white Democrats offended by my independence. They felt entitled to my vote.

When I bring up this interview, white Democrats dismiss it. They claim Biden apologized. What Biden did was blame the exchange on Charlemagne. Biden claimed the host baited him, and Biden’s mistake was being too casual. What Charlemagne actually did was invite Biden back because he had more questions. A normal person would have said, “Sure! I can’t wait for it.” Instead, Biden expressed the sentiment that if you even have to consider not voting for him over Trump, you’re not black.

Charlemagne quickly rebutted and said his vote doesn’t have anything to do with Trump. It’s about what’s best for the community.

Later, Biden had an even worse interview with an NPR reporter, when the topic of immigration came up. Out of nowhere, Biden dropped a racist bomb and stated it as a fact. “And by the way, what you all know and other people don’t know, unlike the African-American community—with notable exceptions—the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.” Not only is his statement racist, but he implied Latinos were in on it as well.

Biden apologized on Twitter, but it simply said he didn’t mean to do the exact thing that he did. Why did Biden bring up African Americans at all? Is that how he appeals to minorities? By throwing other minorities under the bus?

But let’s travel back in time to when Barrack Obama came on the scene. Biden gave him an odd compliment, stating Obama was the first mainstream African American who was “articulate” and “clean.” Considering Biden sat in Senate hearings with Thomas Sowell and Justice Clearance Thomas, that’s laughable. But what on earth did Biden mean by “clean?” He’s never met “clean” black people before?

But even this, Democrats have defended. “Obama and Biden became best friends.” Just because Biden has a black friend doesn’t mean what he said isn’t offensive.

This is a pattern. In a 2006 interview, Chris Wallace asked Biden how he would appeal to southern states. The first thing that popped out of his mouth was, “You don’t know my state. My state was a slave state.” Why would that shared history make him appealing? And why boast about it on national TV?

Biden told Charlamagne to look at his record, and Biden proceeded to lie about being endorsed by the NAACP. Biden has lied about attending a historically black college. He lied about marching for Civil Rights, repeatedly. When he got caught in the 80’s, he walked it back and said because he worked at an all-black swimming pool, he was “involved in what they were thinking and what they were feeling.” Decades later, he had the audacity to revive this lie in the house of God before an audience of black voters. Now, Biden is totally banking on winning this election by repeating the “Fine People Hoax.” And why shouldn’t he? He’s gotten away with implying Mitt Romney would put us “back in chains.”

Only pretenders have to pretend. Biden, like many leftists, think they know best. It’s not because they’ve done anything of merit. It’s out of pure arrogance. That’s why Biden is open to defunding the police, or rather “reallocating funds,” while Black communities overwhelmingly want more policing and money for better training. Biden claims systemic racism is real, but he won’t acknowledge his contributions. Charlemagne told CNN that Biden was an intricate part of it. It wasn’t Obama-Biden that passed prison reform or got minority unemployment to the lowest on record. That honor belongs to President Trump. Democrats make arrogant comments like, “You’re voting against your best interest,” even though men like Biden have hurt more black lives than helped.

The Democrat Party has a historical problem with racism. It’s not so blatant today, but men like Joe Biden flaunt it like a virtue.