Impeachment is a Farce


It’s hard to have faith in our elected officials when so many of them are caught up in games and the power of theatrics. We’ve seen it time and time again. Whether it’s Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez flailing about how religious liberty is a smokescreen for bigotry, Rep. Ted Lieu misrepresenting Candance Owens to look like a Hitler supporter, or Senator Cory Booker demanding to know if judge candidates find gay sex to be a “perversion,” it’s all a show. Impeachment is no different. Congress has become a stage for performers, bankrolled by your tax dollars, while Covid regulations stifle the economy.

As soon as former President Trump was elected, Democrats wanted to impeach him. Yes, the more eccentric wing of the party led the effort, like Rep. Maxine Waters, but the vocal base continued to desire it. Leadership wanted it; they just needed a legitimate enough reason.

The not-so-perfect phone call turned out to not a legitimate reason. If it were, Rep. Adam Schiff wouldn’t have needed to exaggerate the dialogue as if Trump were a mob boss in a movie. The articles of impeachment drafted didn’t even include any real crimes. Based on the news commentary and arguments, Trump’s real egregious act was investigating a political opponent, which is something President Biden is guilty of doing to Trump while he was in the process of becoming president. Now, he’s on record supporting the impeachment of his political rival, who is now a private citizen. You can argue investigating a political opponent is fine if there’s merit to it, but that makes Trump’s first impeachment even more absurd. There was merit to investigating the Bidens’ foreign business dealings, which the media allowed the public to finally accept after Joe Biden won the White House.

The riot on January 6 at the capitol was awful, but if you’re pushing that Trump was trying to stage a coup via a Q Shaman in a Viking hat and some guy who happened to pick up some zip ties, you’re suffering from a delusion.

If you’re in the camp of impeachment is needed for “accountability,” I understand your sentiment, but it’s still unnecessary. While historians may come to be more favorable of Trump’s achievements while in office, they won’t be kind to his behavior afterward. The point of impeachment is to remove from office. The impeachment is unnecessary. Barring Trump from ever running again is not an automatic outcome of guilt. Another run is also not likely to happen. He has passionate supporters right now—and he always will—but four years is a lifetime in politics, and other leaders will rise.

Senate Democrats had enough votes to proceed with the impeachment trial and claim it as “unconstitutional,” but it will likely fail on the grounds of lack of jurisdiction. Senator Rand Paul forced an earlier vote that signaled a lack of Republican votes for a conviction. Democrats have already tipped their hand that they’re going to vote for conviction, so the trial is a waste of time. So how is Trump expected to have a fair trial, especially when a partisan senator who already voted for impeachment last year is presiding over the proceedings?

There is no case strong enough for incitement. Trump’s own words prove he called for peace, and any other interpretation of the surrounding context is subjective. If these politicians had to be held to a standard of law rather than their own delusions, we wouldn’t be wasting time.

If spreading false information is worthy of impeachment, there’s a lot of Democrats who need to go down for the Russian Collusion narrative. They know that. If questioning the legitimacy of an election is worthy of impeachment, Democrats know they’d really be in trouble. Rep. Jamie Raskin, lead impeachment manager, attempted to object to the electoral college certification in 2017. The hypocrisy is astounding. Their hubris is unparalleled.

Impeachment is a farce. I would say Americans deserve better, but we keep electing them to put on these ridiculous shows. There are no standards, only theatrics.