The Woke Police Hate Grace. Chris Harrison is Canceled

ABC/The Bachelor

ABC/The Bachelor

The religious militant sycophants of the “woke police” are certainly spreading a horrible doctrine. They offer condemnation, demand repentance, yet offer no forgiveness.

Asking for an extension of grace is met with pure contempt. This is what Chris Harrison, host of The Bachelor, is experiencing. Unfortunately, he may have been inducted into their cult instead of liberated from their clutches.

The Bachelor is seeing a historic first: a black male suitor, Matt James. Contestant Rachael Kirkconnell has caught his eye, and thus the attention of the internet. Once it was discovered that she liked a few posts that went against woke standards, more investigating was needed. The smoking gun was found in a photo of Kirkconnell at a sorority party with an antebellum theme.


Accusations of racism quickly came. It’s a similar treatment to Garrett Yrigoyen of Becca Kufrin’s season. Once it got out the rumored winner-to-be may have right political leanings, the hunt was on to prove he was a misogynist dog. His haters complained that Garrett said Becca would be a “great wife and mother,” noting there’s more to her than that. Never mind that he earned Becca’s first impression rose after arriving at the mansion in a minivan.

Kirkconnell’s family came to her defense. Her cousin even shared a private message of Rachael denouncing the Confederate flag.

Social media buzzed after Chris Harrison and former Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay had a discussion on Extra. Harrison pleaded for grace for Kirkconnell and said he wasn’t going to judge the girl without hearing her speak. People looking into her family's voting records and making assumptions were going too far. He also condemned the behavior of the “woke police” yet admitted no one side has all the answers. Harrison also claimed he would hold Kirkconnell’s feet to the fire during the reunion and press her on these allegations.

Lindsay seemed uncomfortable at times, but the discussion was civil. Harrison probably didn’t expect Lindsay was upset. In a separate interview, with The Ringer, Lindsay expressed she was “boiling inside.” The thing that upset her the most was that Harrison wanted to extend “grace” toward Rachael Kirkconnell and not toward all the people she hurt.

Why would grace need to be extended toward those who were offended? The grace in Harrison’s context was the sort you extend to someone who may or may not have made an error.

Lindsay was also enraged when Harrison said, “who are you,” in reference to anyone, including himself, to make demands of Kirkconnell and how she should come forward. Lindsay remarked that she is a black woman offended by Kirkconnell and her actions. “Rachel Lindsay is a black woman, the very person affected by this Rachael Kirkconnell. So, I have every right to speak out and say I’m offended.”

And while it is Lindsay’s right to be offended, it is also her choice. Kirkconnell attending an antebellum themed college party almost three years ago as a teenager is no burden on her life. She’s enraged that Harrison didn’t see her as a victim, acknowledge it, and extend “compassion.”

The party has been dubbed a “pro-slavery party,” but antebellum styled parties don’t necessarily equate to that. Antebellum is a time period. Why are we pretending that people don’t like period pieces, enjoy the nod to the style of fancy dresses, or admire classic literary characters like Scarlett O’Hara and wish to channel her grace and strength? We know the woke police came for Gone with the Wind once, but when you erase history in broad strokes, you make more casualties than you can comprehend, such as Hattie McDaniel, the first black woman to win an Oscar.

Harrison also noted the lens of 2020 was different than 2018, which he’s also being criticized for. But 2020 brought on a wave of confessions and apologies for things we’d never even imagine. Lady Antebellum changed their name to “Lady A” (which led to other problems).

A good point that Lindsay made, is when she asked what role she would play at a party celebrating the old south. Hollywood is sort of answering that question. Period dramas that would normally have a lot less diversity with characters in positions of status are being flipped on their heads, for the purpose of building a world that looks more like the one represented today. Bridgerton takes place not too long after slavery was ended in England. Debates with viewers have gone on whether it’s right to brush over the pain of racial realities, historical accuracy, and the liberty of fantasy and imagination. There really is no right answer, but there is a lot of allure to period dramas.

Did Kirkconnell go to an antebellum party because she wanted to cosplay or because she was literally and openly celebrating racism? Only she can answer that question, and that was Harrison’s point.

After much outrage, Harrison issued an apology and said he was stepping away. So much for pressing Kirkconnell. “What I now realize I have done is cause harm by wrongly speaking in a manner that perpetuates racism, and for that, I am so deeply sorry. I also apologize to my friend Rachel Lindsay for not listening to her better on a topic she has a first-hand understanding of, and humbly thank the members of Bachelor Nation who have reached out to me to hold me accountable. I promise to do better."

Harrison did not perpetuate racism by asking for grace. Based on social media comment sections, people are truly triggered by his use of “woke police.”

Kirkconnell also issued a statement: “I’m here to say I was wrong. I was ignorant, but my ignorance was racist.”

Harrison caved, which is a big no-no. He’s the host of one of the biggest TV shows in history, yet he apologized for requesting grace. Harrison knows the “woke police” are militant zealots, yet he conceded. If he walks naked through the town while they ring a bell and shout, “Shame!” will he be absolved? No. He’ll always be “problematic,” and Lindsay hinted that The Bachelor keeping Harrison speaks to their brand. Is the next step a pure firing? That’s what some are calling for.

The mob doesn’t grant absolution. They want to mount spines on their mantles like trophies.