Why Aren't Black Democrats "Sellouts?"

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As a proud black conservative on social media, I’ve heard the phrase “sellout” a lot by ignorant racists. Black people should be afforded the same sense of agency and freedom of thought that Caucasian Americans get to freely have when it comes to expressing opinions. No one owns my thoughts and can put me in a box.

But it is curious that folks on the left accuse black republicans of being sellouts instead of their own side.

Vice President Kamala Harris was always desperate to make a name for herself in the Senate, and she certainly caught my attention during the Kavanaugh hearings. During a press conference, Harris announced that she believed Christine Ford. This was particularly remarkable, given that Ford had yet to testify. As a former prosecutor, it seemed wildly insincere of Harris since Ford had no time, date, location, and everyone involved denied the allegation against Justice Brett Kavanaugh. But Harris stuck with the “believe all women” hashtag. Harris even claimed to believe Tara Reade, who accused President Joe Biden of sexual assault. Reade rightfully deserved Harris’s belief since Reade had more substantial evidence than Ford. But what did Harris do? She supported Biden and is now his Vice President, even though she believes he’s a sexual predator who abused women. Harris also viciously accused Biden of being a segregationist who tried to keep her from integrating into school with white students.

She’s not a sellout?

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Senator “Reverend” Raphael Warnock fancies himself a “pro-choice pastor.” Everything about his faith should affirm that life starts at conception, that God knows us within the womb, and he has a distinct purpose for all of us. As a Senator, he may want to protect a woman’s privilege to abort her child, but it’s not appropriate to pair that with being a pastor as if his role in religious leadership affirms this barbaric practice. But it’s not unheard of for pastors to compromise in such a way. As a matter of fact, Margaret Sanger, the founder of the biggest abortion chain in the country, knew an effective way to get blacks in line with her depopulation agenda was to employ colored ministers. During her day, there were many open eugenicists trying to control the population and weed out undesirables like minorities, the poor, and the feebleminded. Progressive Democrats like Senator Warnock talk about “systemic racism,” yet they accept funds from organizations like Planned Parenthood. It was founded in racism, and they disproportionately target, advertise, and serve minority communities today.

He’s not a sellout?

The democrat party is the party of slavery, segregation, and Jim Crow. Democrats are the party of the KKK, and President Woodrow Wilson revitalized them after playing Birth of a Nation in the White House. Senator Robert Byrd, the friend of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, used to recruit for the KKK. Granted, his defenders say he changed, but democrats supported him while he was openly racist. He was also dropping the N-word on TV as late as 2001 as a democrat leader.

When black activists talk about systemic racism in America, redlining is the first policy they mention. Well, you can thank the National Housing Act of 1934, which was part of the New Deal during the Great Depression. That was signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a democrat. It’s ironic, considering blacks began their exodus from republicans and toward democrats for the benefits of the New Deal, which ultimately hindered them.

Lyndon B. Johnson may have eventually seen where the racial tide was turning and signed the Civil Rights Act, but he also silenced the black churches who were able to organize and push the legislation forward. Johnson knew if he threw them a couple of bones, he could secure the black vote for his party for generations to come.

Why aren’t black democrats considered sellouts?

It’s not because there was a party switch. The same mentality democrats used to exercise their privilege over human beings for slavery is the same they use for practices like abortion. If someone’s liberty is inconvenient, dehumanize them until it’s acceptable to exhort your privilege over them.

Democrats preach inclusion, but it’s a lie. They have no respect for anyone who questions their agenda. If you question if democrats are still the party of racism, watch how they treat Senator Tim Scott and other black republicans.

President Joe Biden said if you had a hard time deciding between him and Trump, “you ain’t black.” He said blacks don’t possess diverse thoughts. He’s lied about marching in the civil rights movement—even in black churches to black voters—and he still received the overwhelming majority of votes from the black community.

His voters aren’t sellouts?

Now, if you genuinely voted according to your principles, where you stand on the issues, and didn’t significantly compromise your beliefs, I don’t believe you’re a sellout. If you’re for big spending, high taxes, abortion, believe imposing regulations on Americans can save the planet from climate change, and biological boys should be able to go into girls’ locker rooms and play on their teams, more power to you.

But I don’t. I’m a hard R, regardless of who gets elected for four years. As former Vice President Mike Pence says, I’m a Christian Conservative Republican, in that order.

I’m not a sellout for belonging to the party founded to make my ancestors free.

But what are you?