White Liberals v. Minorities

White Liberals v. Minorities

We think drag time story hour or taking field trips to gay bars is perverse. For a leftist, it’s nirvana. Exposing their children to a male performer’s flopping fake tits and spandex-covered crotch is how they help their child achieve enlightenment. Christians baptize their children in water; progressives baptize their children in sexual expression. While Christians encourage crucifying your destructive nature, progressives teach self-worship and gratification. “My body, my choice.” It may cost you your healthy breast or even a nearly viable baby, but the pursuit of satisfying ever-changing subjective truths is well worth it in the end. They believe this is love.

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Why The Left Hates Me, And Why I'm Proud Of It

Why The Left Hates Me, And Why I'm Proud Of It

The Left despises people who tell the truth and convinces Americans to listen with their ears instead of their feelings. It’s bad enough when a white person does this, but it’s egregious when black people lead the way.

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Why Aren't Black Democrats "Sellouts?"

Why Aren't Black Democrats "Sellouts?"

As an out and proud black conservative on social media, I’ve heard the phrase “sellout” a lot by ignorant racists. Black people should be afforded the same sense of agency and freedom of thought that Caucasian Americans get to freely have when it comes to expressing opinions. No one owns my thoughts and can put me in a box. But it is curious that folks on the left accuse black republicans of being sellouts instead of their own side.

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The War on Thoughts and Prayers

The War on Thoughts and Prayers

Ocasio-Cortez made a comment dissing prayer, because it “can’t even keep the pews safe”. Well, I think mocking the victims’ faith is a terrible thing for a congresswoman to do, but it also demonstrates an ignorance and disdain for the faith community.

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