Critics of Covid Mandates Make DHS's "Potential Terror Threat" List

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Over the weekend, the Department of Homeland Security issued a “Terror Threat Alert.” According to NBC News, there was no specific threat on the horizon, but there is a “rise in anti-government rhetoric.”

They’re aware the anger stems from “opposition to COVID measures” from mask and vaccine requirements. In the advisory, DHS states, “These actors are increasingly exploiting online forums to influence and spread violent extremist narratives and promote violent activity. Such threats are also exacerbated by impacts of the ongoing global pandemic, including grievances over public health safety measures and perceived government restrictions.”

Other concerns arise from talk of election fraud and beliefs that Trump can be reinstated. DHS also says the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 or religious holidays could be potential targets.

Even more curious is how DHS promises to respond. They will rightfully evaluate calls for violence, but that includes “online activity associated with the spread of disinformation, conspiracy theories, and false narratives, by known or suspected threat actors.”

DHS is also “advancing authoritative sources of information to debunk and, when possible, preempt false narratives and intentional disinformation, and providing education materials to promote resilience to the risks associated with interacting with and spreading disinformation, conspiracy theories, and false narratives.”

What do DHS and the Biden administration consider to be a “false narrative?” Was Joe Biden promoting a false narrative when he began his campaign with a video dedicated to Charlottesville and repeatedly lied about President Trump supporting neo-Nazis? Wasn’t the Wuhan lab-leak a wild and baseless “conspiracy theory” when Trump and his supporters talked about it? Hunter Biden’s laptop was considered “disinformation,” but not only was it true that Hunter left his laptop at a computer store, it was one of three laptops that he lost possession of.

Was it disinformation when Biden and the media pushed the Russian bounty story? Eventually, the Biden administration admitted the CIA’s intel was not conclusive, just as the Trump administration said. Was there an apology from the new president to the former, for undermining his competency and commitment to the troops? Absolutely not.

The American people can only hope their government will remain neutral and will not target them for being political opposition. But just as a reminder, the IRS showed bias against conservatives during the Obama-Biden administration. Biden himself weaponized the Supreme Court as the father of “Borking.” He also suggested using the Logan Act to go after General Michael Flynn as the Trump administration was coming in.

Neutral isn’t the way Biden does business.