DHS Uses Pro-Life White Women as Potential Terror Threats in Training Scripts

DHS Uses Pro-Life White Women as Potential Terror Threats in Training Scripts

Well, the Biden administration thought the perfect potential terrorist was Ann, a middle-aged married woman from rural America, who happens to be pro-life. You see, Ann has always been religious but became closer to God after her mother passed (something very common).

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Pro-Choice "Christian" from Michigan Votes Against Medical Care for Abortion Survivors

Pro-Choice "Christian" from Michigan Votes Against Medical Care for Abortion Survivors

The Born Alive Survivors Protection Act isn’t about protecting abortion; the woman has already had one. It’s about saving a newborn who survived the assassination attempt, so it’s not about what happens in the mother’s womb. But politicians like Scholten are trying to protect the intent of abortion and shield the conscience of Americans. To continue making legislation and protections around the survivor is a reminder the child was a victim of violence.

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Michigan Governor and AG Support Child Sterilization Ballot Proposal

Michigan Governor and AG Support Child Sterilization Ballot Proposal

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel are among top Democrats supporting Proposal 3, that will open the door for sterilizations and abortions for minors, without parental consent.

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Liz Cheney Signals Run for President After Pulling in Less than 30% in Wyoming Primary

Liz Cheney Signals Run for President After Pulling in Less than 30% in Wyoming Primary

Well, unlike Dick Cheney’s shooting victim, Liz Cheney’s political career did not survive. After the polls closed in Wyoming, Congresswoman Liz Cheney’s defeat immediately manifested. Despite calling in the big guns and having her father’s endorsement, fundraising efforts from the Bushs and Karl Rove, Cheney only raked in 28.9 percent of the vote.

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CA State Sen Who Lowered Criminal Penalties for HIV Transmission, Says Lecturing About Sex Won't Stop Monkepox

CA State Sen Who Lowered Criminal Penalties for HIV Transmission, Says Lecturing About Sex Won't Stop Monkepox

But even knowing this information, State Senator Scott Wiener is concerned about the “sex shaming of gay men around monkeypox” and compared it to the shaming of HIV. “Lecturing people not to have sex isn’t a public health strategy. It didn’t stop HIV—it made it worse—& it won’t stop monkeypox. What will work is vaccination, testing & education.”

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Democrats Disrespectfully Use Minorities in a War to "Redefine" Marriage

Democrats Disrespectfully Use Minorities in a War to "Redefine" Marriage

“This is how you know Democrats have so little respect for minorities,” I told my sister. “They included it for narratives like this, to use us.” Democrats don’t think gay marriage alone is enough to stir up their base. They must also include minorities, so they can accuse Republicans of being racist, on top of homophobic.

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Disney Declares War on Parental Rights

Disney Declares War on Parental Rights

If Disney is taking a stance that other adults should be teaching children about sexual orientation and identity, parents should question whether this company can be trusted inside their homes. I have no doubt their employees couldn’t be bothered to read a bill only seven pages long, but the company knows better.

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The Left And Their Pedo Problem

The Left And Their Pedo Problem

Biden’s Supreme Court nominee is the new project of the left. After Senator Josh Hawley created a Twitter thread detailing Judge Jackson’s record regarding sentencing sex offenders, the media has done their best to belittle it. The fact-checkers have been going in overdrive—not to disprove Hawley’s thread—to minimalize Jackson’s record.

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Michigan Democrats Wage a Not-So-Stealth War on Parents

Michigan Democrats Wage a Not-So-Stealth War on Parents

The Michigan Democrat Party found themselves in hot water after posting an anti-parent rant on their Facebook page. “Not sure where this ‘parents-should-control-what-is-taught-in-schools-because-they-are-our-kids’ is originating, but parents do have the option to choose to send their kids to a hand-selected private school at their own expense if this is what they desire.”

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Gov. Whitmer Repeals Pink Tax for "People with a Period," While Gas Prices Soar

Gov. Whitmer Repeals Pink Tax for "People with a Period," While Gas Prices Soar

While some Michiganders are celebrating the small monthly savings, if you couldn’t afford the sales tax of tampons, you most likely still cannot afford the product itself. Inflation is hurting the pockets of everyday Michiganders, for products purchased weekly and daily.

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Cyber Security Experts say Macomb County is "Ahead of the Trend" on Election Integrity

Cyber Security Experts say Macomb County is "Ahead of the Trend" on Election Integrity

Forlini wasn’t serving as county clerk during the contentious 2020 election, but he’s made big changes since taking office. “I firmly believe that what Tony is doing here with this accomplishes a couple of goals, and I think he’s ahead of the trend.” Cotton went on to speak of the importance of digitally preserving records in case there is ever a dispute.

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The Plot to Steal Michigan: Say "No" to National Popular Vote

The Plot to Steal Michigan: Say "No" to National Popular Vote

Why would former Michigan Republican Party Chair Saul Anuzis go along with such an insidious plot? He told Laura Ingraham the current problem. He wants to make sure every state is politically relevant. “For all practical purposes, 95% to 90% of all the money is spent in ten states or less, and we basically elect the president of the battleground states.”

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Critics of Covid Mandates Make DHS's "Potential Terror Threat" List

Critics of Covid Mandates Make DHS's "Potential Terror Threat" List

DHS is also “advancing authoritative sources of information to debunk and, when possible, preempt false narratives and intentional disinformation, and providing education materials to promote resilience to the risks associated with interacting with and spreading disinformation, conspiracy theories, and false narratives.”

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