Vaccine Mandates Are Immoral


Vaccine mandates are immoral. Informed consent is an extraordinarily crucial part of our society that has evolved over time, due to various tragedies and injustices performed on human beings.

An often-cited example in America is the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. The goal was to observe untreated syphilis. Black Americans were lured in by promises of free healthcare, but they weren’t informed of their diagnosis nor were they properly treated. This didn’t happen in the 1800s. It happened from 1932 to 1972. The people weren’t kidnapped and experimented on by Nazi scientists in Germany. This happened in Alabama, and the perpetrator was the US government through the United States Public Health Service and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In 1997, President Bill Clinton formally apologized on behalf of the US. “What was done cannot be undone, but we can end the silence.” Is an apology enough for the victims? Is it enough for the men who died, the women who contracted it through their partners, and the children who inherited it? Of course not, but we should all learn from the past so mistakes aren’t repeated.


We shouldn’t allow the government to have total trust. There is no entity, with a government relationship, beyond the influence of politics and money. For example, the American Medical Association (AMA) recently advocated that sex should no longer be listed on birth certificates. This group is lobbying for ideology, not science.

Bureaucrats have agendas, governments desire power, and geeks in lab coats are experiencing untold fame and fortune. Dr. Anthony Fauci was the highest-paid employee in the entire U.S. federal government, and that includes the president. You might argue he deserves it for being the face of the pandemic, but that face has flip-flopped repeatedly and even admitted to lying to the public more than once, most famously over mask mandates.

And even if Dr. Fauci and other advisors working to end Covid-19 were completely dedicated to science, that’s not the only factor to consider while running a country or choosing how to live our lives. Our humanity and our rights must still be held into account.

I’m not trying to make the case that vaccines are bad, though there have been deaths of young men and women after taking the second dose (that isn’t nearly talked about enough). People need to understand their risks vs rewards, so they can make a truly informed decision. Being coerced by employers, businesses, the government, is unethical especially for a new drug that is not even approved by the FDA. Pharmaceutical companies aren’t liable for vaccine harm. Are they willing to put their money on the line? Are the employers and schools forcing mandates willing to assume liability?

We don’t need to go back to the 70s to acknowledge the government is willing to ignore ethical standards and science for political purposes. All we have to do is look at abortion. A child in the womb is undeniably alive and not merely a “clump of cells,” and most major Democrat lawmakers will not even acknowledge the child’s humanity in the debate. It’s all about the “woman’s choice.” When Vice President Kamala Harris was the attorney general in California, she went after journalist David Daleiden when he exposed Planned Parenthood for selling baby body parts. Only God knows why President Joe Biden has shifted so radically on abortion that Democrats seek to fund it with taxpayers’ dollars here and abroad, but it is at the expense of human life.

If politicians can be so callous with our most vulnerable population, why would we ever surrender our will and bodies to them?

Whatever decisions you make regarding a vaccine, it should remain your choice. We should consider the greater good, but the government should not have the authority to make you a guinea pig and a sacrificial lamb.