Are We Needlessly Putting Youth At Risk with the Covid-19 Vaccine?

When you log onto an app like Tiktok, it’s not unusual to come across large accounts or sponsored ads urging youth to get the shot. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services had an ad of three young girls dancing for the “dose of hope.” They’re claiming it’s “safe” and “effective.” For the most part, sure. It’s safe based on what we know. And unless you have an underlining health condition, your immune system is safe and effective.

Why is there such an aggressive strategy to inject a chemical into the bodies of our youth linked to heart trouble and possible death? The CDC says the vaccines are safe and millions of people have received them, and this is true based on available information. It’s not likely anyone will receive the vaccine and die but is it a necessary risk? The CDC recommends “everyone 12 years and older get vaccinated as soon as possible.”

Jacob Clynick was 13 when he took his second vaccine shot. Two days later, he died in his sleep. The Detroit Free Press reported, “The CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices found that among adolescents and young adults who got the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, there appears to be an association with rare cases of myocarditis and pericarditis.”

The CDC states, “VAERS received 1,249 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis among people ages 30 and younger who received the COVID-19 vaccine.” Through follow-up, they confirmed 716 reports.

According to NCHS, the total number of COVID deaths from ages 0-17 is 349. If you extend it up to age 30, the amount increases to 2,868.

Simone Scott was a young healthy 19-year-old, and her health rapidly declined after taking her second vaccine shot on May 1. Doctors did their best to preserve her life, including a heart transplant, but she died on June 11, one month after paying a surprise visit to her mom for Mother’s Day. According to local authorities, Scott’s death is still a mystery. The timing of the vaccine may prove to be a coincidence, but it is quite a coincidence to ignore.

Earlier this year, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was paused after six reported cases of a rare and severe type of blood clot. If there was such an abundance of caution over six cases after administering 6.8 million doses, why is the Biden Administration inviting pop stars to the White House to emotionally manipulate teens into getting the jab?

There is a concern that young unvaccinated Americans will pass Covid-19 to someone more vulnerable, but the vaccine has been readily available to adults. If someone isn’t vaccinated, it’s because they don’t want it. There are people who cannot take vaccines for medical reasons, but it’s not everyone else’s responsibility to put their health at risk. If someone is vulnerable and unable to vaccinate, they have to take it upon themselves to minimize their risk of exposure.

In a sane society, parents are willing to make sacrifices for their children. Today, we are doing the opposite. We pumped the breaks on the entire world, even though we understood from the beginning who were at risk. We’ve closed businesses, disrupted food supply chains, kept children out of school, isolated children from their friends, filled skateparks with sand, removed basketball hoops, locked down parks, forced kids to mask while playing sports, and so on. Many elected officials who pushed lockdown measures eventually broke their own rules, mostly because they thought themselves important enough to get away with it.

At the end of the day, adults have to make the best decision for themselves, and parents have a responsibility to do what is best for their children. Whether that is taking the vaccine or not, it should remain a choice—not a mandate or forced by threats. Americans must be allowed to make proper risk assessments, as they do every day while participating in society.