"My Body, My Choice." Anti-Vaxxers VS Pro-Choice

There have been many comparisons between the left and the right during the pandemic. The left will say, “How can prolifers care about life when they won’t get a vaccine to save their fellow man?” The right will say, “How can you say, ‘my body my choice’ but not support my choice to not be vaccinated?”

Bodily autonomy is a tremendous issue in the Prochoice movement, and it’s been adopted by folks opposed to getting the Covid-19 vaccine, for whatever reason. Well, bodily autonomy is only valid for one of these positions.

Abortion has nothing to do with bodily autonomy. Bodily autonomy is about making decisions over your own body and your own future. Abortion is taking the life and future of another individual into your hands. Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy, and pregnancy at least involves two people—three, if you consider the child’s father. No matter how many times an activist chants, “my body, my choice,” it will never be true. It’s proven to be emotionally persuasive, but it requires an unhealthy amount of delusion. If women have the gull to snuff out the life of their child, they can very well stop pretending it doesn’t exist.

Bodily autonomy is in play prior to procreation. A woman can decide who to engage in intercourse with or to remain celibate. A woman can decide to take birth control and to make sure their partner is always wearing protection. A woman and her partner can have medical procedures to make it virtually impossible to ever procreate. Once a child is conceived, the woman is no longer on her own. Pro-choice advocates will make hysterical claims such as “forced birth” or that she is a slave to her child, but that ignores all responsibility and free will. It’s 2021. There’s no one willingly engaging in sex who is unaware of its intended design.

Bodily autonomy is a reasonable argument for the anti-mandate side, especially when it comes to Covid-19. Yes, the vaccine helped millions of people, but it does not necessarily prevent one from catching or spreading the virus. President Biden is already calling for booster shots, but the FDA voiced concerns for “younger groups due to a higher risk of myocarditis.” There’s a lot we don’t know about the long-term effects of Covid-19, so you may want to minimize those complications as much as possible. But we also don’t have evidence of the long-term effects of the vaccine. There are reasonable positions for taking it or not, especially based on your age and health, but it should be your choice.

If you are unvaxxed, there is a chance you can accidentally spread the virus to someone who will most likely survive. Abortion is deliberately taking a life. They are nowhere near the same, but the Prochoice movement is more than welcome to stand by Americans who politely decline the Covid-19 vaccine.