The Plot to Steal Michigan: Say "No" to National Popular Vote

An insidious plot is afoot in Michigan, and its repercussions could lead to the permanent tyranny of a one-party nation.

A campaign launched in Michigan to surrender the voice of Michiganders to the national popular vote. The United States of America was never meant to be a democracy because the majority would overshadow and even terrorize the minority. Life is very different in other states with large populations, such as New York and California. Michigan should not allow larger states to erase their say in their fate.

Why would former Michigan Democrat Party Chairman Mark Brewer be attached to this effort, knowing it will subvert the will of the people? Party over country. Democrats are banking on the national popular vote constantly swaying toward their favor, and it’s not a bad bet. Republicans have been obsessed with election integrity since former President Donald Trump failed to win his reelection, but the truth is, Democrats don’t need to cheat. Fox News may have better ratings than CNN, but there’s still NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, local media, and major newspapers. Some Americans get their news from young adult influencers on Tiktok, who’d say anything for clicks and cash. Tech censorship is also an extraordinary problem. A recent heinous example would be the locking out of The New York Post over the Hunter Biden laptop story, which proved to be absolutely true. College campuses heavily lean left, and many activist teachers and school boards are not waiting until college to indoctrinate children. Hollywood also leans left. Television shows have become propaganda. Even cartoons aimed at preschoolers aren’t safe. Democrats are confident they can reach the masses. They have a monopoly on our minds, and anyone who tries to break through is quickly demonized and silenced.

Nick Jr’s Blue Clues teaches about Pride by displaying flags, including transgender and pansexual.

Nick Jr’s Blue Clues teaches about Pride by displaying flags, including transgender and pansexual.

Democrats brag on the raw numbers of voters. They don’t care if their electorate is informed. They bank on them not having relevant information. While on the campaign trail, President Joe Biden refused to talk about packing the courts because he didn’t want to change the conversation. It was a bold strategy, and one the media at large let him get away with.

Why would former Michigan Republican Party Chair Saul Anuzis go along with such an insidious plot? He told Laura Ingraham the current problem. He wants to make sure every state is politically relevant. “For all practical purposes, 95% to 90% of all the money is spent in ten states or less, and we basically elect the president of the battleground states.”

Imagine how much money we’d have to spend on elections if media markets like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago had to be in play. Presidential elections are in a billion-dollar territory. The more money you need to raise, the more money you can spend on consultants like Saul Anuzis. Campaign expenses, such as food and lodging, would also shift. Politics is big money and extraordinarily lucrative for crafty players.

If the goal is to make every vote and every state relevant, undercutting the electoral college won’t have that impact. Less populated states, especially reliably red and blue, would become less relevant.

Anuzis admitted to Ingraham National Popular Vote cuts his checks. Jennifer and Jonathan Allan Soros Foundation gave to them, along with other rich leftists. When Ingraham and Anuzis got into an exchange over what the framers wanted, Anuzis said, “white male property owners to sit around the table and decide who the president of the United States is.” Saul Anuzis claims to be representing the “bipartisan” effort but using racial division to tear down fundamental American systems is a leftist tactic. We see it used very by supporters of Critical Race Theory, which has roots in Marxism.

The Ingraham Angle on Fox News

The Ingraham Angle on Fox News

National Popular Vote has been wooing state lawmakers for years. They spent $26,501 lobbying Michigan officeholders back in 2018. Activists were up in arms after finding out some of their elected officials booked a trip to Hawaii.

Michigan presently decides to cast its electoral votes by the popular vote of Michiganders. If Michigan and other states surrender their power, it’s going to be nearly impossible for Republicans to win another presidential election. That may sound good if you’re a Democrat, but a politician who doesn’t fear the repercussions of their constituents is one you can’t hold accountable. Remember how the DNC treated Bernie Sanders in 2016? Imagine what they’d be willing to do to the rest of the nation if they know they’ll always remain in power.

If any politician, Republican or Democrat, supports this ballot initiative, they must lose your support. Protect your voice.