The Texas Heartbeat Bill is Making the Left Lose Their Minds

It’s been a week since Texas’s heartbeat bill has gone into effect, and the pro-choice world has lost its mind. The internet exploded with misinformation, bad-faith arguments, eugenics, and even satanic worship.

President Joe Biden, who is touted for his Catholic faith, completely broke away from the opinion of the church. Not only is he actively fighting for abortion; he’s does not believe life starts at conception. "I have been and continue to be a strong supporter of Roe v Wade, number one...I respect them, those who believe life begins at the moment of conception and all, I respect that. Don't agree, but I respect that."

Life at conception is a longstanding position of Christians, but it’s not solely a Christian position. Life at conception is a biological position. From the moment an egg is fertilized, a new individual is created with unique DNA. It is on a journey of development, and unless there is a tragic medical issue, birth is the natural progression. It’s not “forced.” The only force would be the termination of the pregnancy through abortion (starvation, poison, burning, or ripping the fetus apart). To disagree is to “deny the science” in favor of a political ideology.

President Biden also condemned Texas’s abortion ban because it will “impair women’s access to the health care they need, particularly for communities of color and individuals with low incomes.”

Congresswoman Cori Bush had a similar argument. “I’m thinking about the Black, brown, low-income, queer, and young folks in Texas. The folks this abortion health care ban will disproportionately harm. Wealthy white folks will have the means to access abortion care. Our communities won’t.”

Planned Parenthood was founded by the eugenicist, Margaret Sanger, who wanted to limit the population of minorities, the poor, and “feeble-minded.” Larry Lader, one of the founders of the abortion advocacy group NARAL, was for population control. This industry isn’t about women’s health. It’s about death.

Perhaps Bush and Biden are so blinded by their ideology they cannot see they are openly upset because more minorities will give birth to their children.

Newsweek contributor Richard Hanania even critiqued the Texas bill because “you can’t screen for Down syndrome before about 10 weeks, and something like 80% of Down syndrome fetuses are aborted.” He goes on to say if red states ban abortion, there would be five times as many children with disabilities. This is ableist. Children with disabilities are just as human and deserving of life as every other child.

There is an argument that if abortion is made illegal, women will take matters into their own hands, which could be life-threatening. Through this argument, pro-choice advocates make a stunning admission. They imply women who have abortions are in such a desperate mental state, they’d be willing to hurt themselves if they cannot achieve an abortion. Knowing the state of their mental health, should we encourage women to seek out abortion clinics out to make a buck or pregnancy crisis centers? The abortion industry is full of predators. They place themselves in vulnerable communities like predatory lenders. They market to desperate women and do their best to frame the abortion debate around a woman’s future instead of acknowledging the value of the child, or that abortion can cause serious harm to women. They’re a business. They make a profit by killing babies, and some of them even sell the remains.

The Supreme Court refused to take up the case in an emergency appeal, but it made no ruling on the constitutionality of the law itself. Roe V Wade has not been outlawed, and it is very likely the Supreme Court will eventually take up this case.

Women who have abortions cannot be charged according to Texas law. It empowers citizens to sue anyone who provides the abortion, from doctors to the Lyft drivers who take them there. The law does make an exemption for a “serious medical emergency.”

The Church of Satan hopes to come to the rescue, by making abortions necessary for “abortion rituals,” attempting to use the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

I’m not sure what side of history you want to be on, but if you’re aligned with Satanists and eugenicists, you may want to rethink your position.