Democrats Are Banking on Low-Information Voters to Save Midterms

Democrats have a clear strategy heading into the 2022 midterm elections: misinformation, particularly for queer voters and allies.

After Justice Samuel Alito’s draft opinion was leaked to Politico, which would strike down Roe v Wade, President Joe Biden, other democrats, and the mainstream media have pushed a unifying message: they’re coming for the rest of your rights.

Congressman Eric Sowell had a particularly outrageous claim. “The Republicans won’t stop with banning abortion. They want to ban interracial marriage.” If anyone looks into Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife, you may suspect that’s utterly ridiculous.

But the major talking point is surrounding the possible takedown of gay marriage. A Slate reporter had a viral tweet suggesting that “Alito’s draft opinion explicitly criticizes Lawrence v. Texas (legalizing sodomy) and Obergefell v Hodges (legalizing same-sex marriage). He says that, like abortion, these decisions protect phony rights that are not ‘deeply rooted history.’”

The issue with this is Alito’s opinion explicitly addresses this paranoia and debunks this talking point. “Unable to show concrete reliance on Roe and Casey themselves, the Solicitor General suggests that overruling those decisions would ‘threaten the Court’s precedents holding that the Due Process Clause protects other rights.’” Alito makes it clear that “abortion is a unique act because it terminates ‘life or potential life.’” It’s not the same as marital intimacy.

To truly drive the point home, Alito’s opinion says: “And to ensure that our decision is not misunderstood or mischaracterized, we emphasize that our decision concerns the constitutional right to abortion and no other right. Nothing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion.”

Even if a future court deems Obergefell to be a terrible ruling that needs to be overturned, Alito’s opinion goes out of its way to say their ruling isn’t addressing gay marriage.

But that isn’t stopping President Biden from claiming the next step may be to segregate gay children from the classroom. It’s full-blown hysteria.

Democrats did the same with Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Bill, which is infamously known as the “Don’t Say Gay,” bill. If you listen to Press Secretary Jen Psaki as she weeps on TV, you’d think the bill was exclusively created to pick on trans kids and not because teachers were having private conversations about students bunking overnight in same-sex cabins, if their gender identity called for that. Tiktok stars with millions of followers spread hysteria that it was illegal to say the word “gay,” which they got from mainstream media and politicians. In reality, it bans classroom instruction on sexual orientation—doesn’t single out same-sex—and gender identity for grades K-3. But that’s only one portion of the bill. The most important part is that schools cannot conspire to hide important information regarding a child’s mental health from the parent.  

Polling conducted from democrat voters who actually read the bill, overwhelmingly support it. So why would democrat leadership push such an unpopular false narrative?

They are hoping to weaponize a marginalized community to get them to the polls. According to CNN, a majority of US adults say Biden’s economic policies have hurt Americans. Biden also has a 54% disapproval rating for his handling of Ukraine, and crime is also a major concern. Biden’s handling of Covid-19 is barely above water at 51%, but that’s also becoming less of an issue as Americans get back to normal life. Biden doesn’t have much to make Americans feel good about him, so he’s banking on hate of his opposition to save his party. After all, it was a hatred of Trump that landed Biden in the White House—not love for the elderly politician.

Republicans are finding outrage to be a powerful tool, empowering parents against critical race theory, the push for gender identity, and mask mandates. Fortunately for Republicans, there’s ample evidence to justify their concerns, whether it’s photos of Stacey Abrams smiling in front of masked students, Detroit’s superintendent openly admitting to adopting CRT into the curriculum, and an army of teachers on Tiktok ranting about superseding the desire of parents on the topic of gender and sexuality.

Democrats don’t have the luxury of honesty. When talking about abortion, it has to be defined as “women’s healthcare” and “reproductive rights.” Their worldview only makes sense if you ignore the humanity of the unborn. They repeat that Roe V Wade is popular, ignoring the fact that most Americans favor restrictions after the first trimester, which would be illegal if Roe V Wade stays in place. Bill Maher, who has been a political commentator for years, just recently admitted he didn’t know the US’s abortion policies were far more aggressive than European countries.

For whatever reason, the Democrats are going all-in on no restrictions on abortion. Even the Biden administration is refusing to state a position on anything less than nine-month abortions. These are not popular positions, so they are hoping media headlines are enough to sway their passionate activist base. So, to my democrat friends across the aisle, I ask one thing from you: be smarter than they think you are.