Should Conservatives Concede the Gay Marriage Debate?

Should Conservatives Concede the Gay Marriage Debate?

This threat of radical gender theory is where many on the right would like to direct our attention. However, the redefining of marriage and gender identity has glaring similarities: the rejection of gender roles and key distinctions rooted in biological realities.

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The Democrats Plot to Steal America

The Democrats Plot to Steal America

Saul Alinksy wrote in his Rules for Radicals to “Accuse your opponent of what you are doing to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt.” This is what Democrats are doing when it comes to election integrity.

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The Trump Mantle: To win his base, you must acknowledge his strength

The Trump Mantle: To win his base, you must acknowledge his strength

Democrats have advanced too far in their radical agenda, to place the fate of America in the hands of Republicans who care more about decorum than victory and prioritize donor dollars over the liberties of our children.

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