Why The Left Hates Me, And Why I'm Proud Of It

I was called the c-word by a Leftist yesterday. You see, they’re so overwhelmed with tolerance that it overflows from their hearts and consumes everything in their path, much like The Blob.

After sarcastically calling my verbal abuser a “feminist icon,” he said something entirely untrue. He said that black conservatives are not taken seriously.

Hilariously, we’re coming up on the one-week anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

Justice Samuel Alito wrote the opinion, but who is everyone most angry with? Justice Clarence Thomas.

Of course, they’re particularly angry that Justice Thomas laid out his own legal reasoning why cases like Obergefell v. Hodges should be reconsidered, and all that should matter is whether it is sound or not.

But he has been called an n-word. Star Trek actor George Takei called him a “clown in blackface.” Samuel L. Jackson, who played a white supremacist’s obedient confidant in Django Unchained, called Thomas “Uncle Clarence.” MSNBC’s Joy Reid has said the same thing before. In the past, Professor Michael Eric Dyson has called Clarence Thomas a “metaphoric Jew inviting a metaphoric Hitler to commit holocaust and genocide upon his own people,” on the very same network.

Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, who once proclaimed she would only take interviews from black press, publicly said “F*ck Clarence Thomas” on stage at an event.

Hillary Clinton said, “I went to law school with him. He’s been a person of grievance for as long as I have known him—resentment, grievance, anger…” What a fancy way of saying Thomas is an angry black man.

For anyone who knows and cares to be honest, they’d say he was a kind and cheerful man. Justice Sonia Sotomayor said Thomas was the one Justice who knew everyone’s names in the building, who remembered the names of their family members, would ask how they’re doing, and sent her flowers after a loved one passed. She went on to say he deeply cares about the institution of the court and helping people.

But Thomas used to be an angry and bitter man, jaded by the world like many young black men growing up in the twilight of segregation. However, Thomas had a radical transformation while studying the work of another great black conservative, Thomas Sowell. Next to Thomas’ grandfather, Sowell had the most profound impact on Thomas’ life. He said Sowell is the “single greatest intellectual alive.”

“He’s a man who doesn’t lie. He doesn’t want accolades for himself. He doesn’t want awards. What he wants is, he wants the truth, and he wants people he cares about to prosper.”

Thomas said any book you read of Sowell’s, he always contrasts what people say, and compares it with the facts.

The left relies on rhetoric rather than facts. The abortion debate, for example, relies on euphemisms like “reproductive rights” and “my body my choice.” They do their best to ignore the reality of the procedure and the life that is taken. Even if you call the fetus a baby or a child, they hiss like demons experiencing an exorcism. “The power of truth compels you!” Those words remind them far too much of the unborn’s humanity. Roe v. Wade and Casey may not be overturned if not for the brutal reality of Hillary Clinton repeatedly having to answer that the unborn have no right to life, even hours before their due date. But more profoundly, Hillary Clinton had to defend late-term abortion on the debate stage against Donald Trump.

With the fate of the court in the balance in 2016, President Donald Trump was elected, and three seats were filled.

The Left despises people who tell the truth and convinces Americans to listen with their ears instead of their feelings. It’s bad enough when a white person does this, but it’s egregious when black people lead the way.

They don’t want black Americans to know it’s possible to think outside a Democratic box. During Larry Elder’s run for governor of California, the LA Times called this black conservative the “face of white supremacy.” Elder spoke in one of his interviews about how prominent black magazines never displayed conservative thought leaders. Back in 2018, Ebony Magazine did a profile on black women running for congress and conveniently left out the republican women, until they were thoroughly called out. The same way conservatives don’t want corporations like Disney to “normalize” gender ideology, the Left doesn’t want to normalize black conservatives. If they lose the militant loyalty of the black community, they’ll lose their electoral power. And they certainly don’t want black people to know they don’t need democrats, and they’d be better off without them. Are the people of Chicago better off with the likes of Lori Lightfoot? I think not.

I’ve been called a “coon” and other derogatory names by black democrats, but they pale in comparison to white leftists. They have the audacity to call you a race traitor if you think beyond the parameters of what they allow, and they feel so righteous while degrading you. They are thrilled for Ketanji Brown Jackson to be confirmed to the Supreme Court but say nothing about the “high-tech lynching” of Justice Clarence Thomas, past or present.

If they judged solely based on merit, that would be fine. But Jackson’s merits are a moot point because they only matter because she’s black. If she had the same resume and was a white woman, she would have never been considered by President Joe Biden. If Kamala Harris were a white woman, she wouldn’t be Vice President. So, they want you to believe that race is astronomically world-shaking, yet black conservatives are not afforded the same sort of moral protections. On the contrary, they are attacked with far greater vitriol than their white counterparts.

I have accepted the only standards the Left has are double standards. I have accepted that venom will be spewed at me, every day, if I continue speaking out and encouraging everyone else to be brave and do the same. As Professor Jordan Peterson said, “I think that someone who is trying to be good should be dangerous. Otherwise, there’s no force to you. There’s nothing to contend with.”

I am not dangerous because I will always be correct. I am human. That is not possible. I am dangerous because I will always strive to tell the truth.