Authors J.K. Rowling and Matt Walsh Spar Over Singer Macy Gray's Transgender Flip-Flop

You may have seen a snippet of Macy Gray’s interview with Piers Morgan. “As a woman, just because you go change your parts, doesn’t make you a woman.” Gray was so confident, that she said, “I know that for a fact.”

Fast-forward to her struggle session on the Today Show, Macy fumbled through a three-minute interview until she appeased Hoda Kotb by conforming. “You know, being a woman is a vibe, and it’s something I’m very proud of.” She went on to say, “I think that if you, in your heart feel that that’s what you are, then that’s what you are, regardless of what anyone says or thinks.”

Kobt thanked Gray for clearing that up because there was “confusion” and after being educated, you feel differently about things.

A man can never transition into a woman, and no amount of “education” is going to change that. You can only be indoctrinated and bullied into accepting a lie. Kobt played her role. She wouldn’t allow Macy Gray to move on until she had made it clear, she was willing to appease the outrage mob.

Matt Walsh, who recently released “What is a Woman” with the Daily Wire, came to the defense of Professor Gad Saad, after asking Gray how he could “establish” whether he’s a woman after getting a “weird vibe.”

Walsh responded to feminists attacking Saad. “Sorry but women who publicly renounce the definition of ‘woman’ for fear of mean comments from trans activists deserve all the scorn they get. That kind of gutless cowardice is exactly what got us into this position in the first place.”

J. K. Rowling, who is probably the only person who rivals and surpasses Walsh in online hate over the transgender issue, chastised him. “Endless death and rape threats, threats of loss of livelihood, employers targeted, physical harassment, family address posted online with picture of bomb-making manual aren’t ‘mean comments.’ If you don’t yet understand what happens to women who stand up on this issue, back up.”

Rowling has stood up for women who do not have her sort of access and means. Though many scorn Rowling’s positions, she’s not totally cancelable. What she’s created through the Harry Potter franchise is much too powerful and profitable. For that reason, some critics have questioned if Rowling has lost anything while putting herself on the line. While others have pointed out that the beauty of Rowling is that she doesn’t need to put herself out there, especially in the defense of others like Maya Forstater, a tax specialist who lost her job for “transphobic” tweets. A tribunal recently ruled that Forstarter was discriminated against by her employer.

Matt replied to Rowling, “All of those things and then some have happened to me in the last month because of my film. But if I had backed down and crumbled to the trans activists, I’d deserve to be scorned for it. Cowardice is what empowers these people. Nothing will ever improve until people stop caving.”

He went on to tell Rowling, “I respect the courage you’ve shown on this issue.” But to Walsh, “The cowards are also villains in this story. They need to be held accountable.”

Walsh is not wrong. Lia Thomas made waves after his transition, which allowed him to swim on a female team at the University of Pennsylvania. Thomas dominated the competition, obviously due to his physical advantage of having a male body. He may not be as strong and fast as when he competed (and lost) to his male colleagues, but his body is male enough to dominate the female competition.

During an exclusive Good Morning America interview, Thomas was asked about an anonymous letter signed by 16 of his teammates and some of their parents. They supported Thomas’s right to transition, but they believed he was a threat to women’s sports, and it was unfair for him to compete. Thomas responded, “You can’t go halfway and be like, ‘I support transwoman and trans people, but only to a certain point.’” Thomas met the requirements set by the NCA, so he feels he has the right to compete. If his teammates truly see Thomas as a woman, he believes they should support him.

Who knows if Thomas sincerely believes that, but he has a good point. Women have natural advantages over other women. If Thomas is legitimately now a woman with a mere physical advantage, how is it less fair than a tall woman competing against one a couple of inches shorter or naturally stronger? If you entertain the con, don’t be surprised when you get fleeced. Either Thomas is a woman, or he is not.

Under Rowling’s thread, many thanked her for sticking up for women who are too vulnerable to speak up and stand against the rage mob. Rowling is often referred to as a “TERF,” a trans-exclusionary radical feminist.

Walsh is certainly not a TERF. Though he believes he’s standing up for women, womanhood, and the children who are severely harmed along the way, he’s truly an advocate for reality and objective truth. Rowling even complimented Walsh. “And your film did a good job exposing the incoherence of gender identity theory and some of the harms it’s done. Many institutions I used to admire have uncritically embraced this dogma, but I reserve my ire for them rather than shouting ‘coward’ at individual women.”

The trans community is a good political tool as of now because it can gain a lot of power for democrats. Will it win them seats electorally? Most likely not. But are they able to see who would abandon truth for the sake of social safety? Yes, and they can do a lot with that power. They can come after religious institutions that don’t toe the line of their political ambitions, and they can defund schools that won’t teach their ideology, especially after Biden’s policy changes to Title IX. Not everyone is going to run to the Supreme Court to seek religious exemptions, nor should they have to. Social media networks also use this issue to silence descent. Professor Jordan Peterson was exiled from Twitter after deadnaming Ellen Page, criticizing pride as a sin, and calling the doctor who removed her breast a criminal.

If gender is a social construct, then the gender activists only win if they convince society to deconstruct our agreed understanding of gender: that it’s meaningless without sex. If they can’t convince you, they have to silence you.

Rowling isn’t wrong that many women are intimidated into silence. But Walsh isn’t wrong that men and women who stay silent, are contributing to the problem. Do they deserve equal scorn? Walsh doesn’t think so, and he softened his tone while engaging with Rowling. Walsh says the institutions that push the lie “deserve the lion’s share of the blame” and he has “a lot of sympathy for young women who don’t have platforms or power.” But he noted Macy Gray is a famous singer, and her concession to the trans mob was “particularly gratuitous.”

Walsh offered to continue the conversation with Rowling offline.