Ted Cruz Dodges When Life Begins During IVF Interview

Ted Cruz Dodges When Life Begins During IVF Interview

Hobby Lobby once had to fight a fine for refusing to create a possibility that would end the survivability of embryos. Now, Cruz and Britt are holding the healthcare of millions hostage if states conclude that the cost of IVF is too many lives of incredibly young children.

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Alabama IVF Ruling Highlights the Hypocrisy in "Pro-Choice" Philosophy

Alabama IVF Ruling Highlights the Hypocrisy in "Pro-Choice" Philosophy

They didn’t choose to lose their children. And, yes, they are children because they are progeny. They are human—the same species as their parents—and they were alive. So, why isn’t the pro-choice crowd celebrating accountability against a corporation that allowed their choice to be taken away?

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The False Narrative of "Force"

The False Narrative of "Force"

To be “pro-choice” is to believe murder is permissible if the mother chooses it. But a child is not an accessory that you may choose to carry, switch out, or discard when it doesn’t match your plans. The ethics of abortion are not difficult. Life is difficult. If whatever reason you conjure for an elective abortion couldn’t be used to justify killing a two-year-old, it’s not a good reason to kill that same human being if we rolled the clock back.

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"Pro-Choice" is Not a Small Government or Neutral Position

"Pro-Choice" is Not a Small Government or Neutral Position

To be “pro-choice” isn’t saying, “Well, I would never do it, but women should have the right to decide.” Being “pro-choice” is telling the government, “We should discriminate against certain groups of people and allow physical violence against them.” You may not think of it that personally or maliciously, but that’s what it is. People used to argue slavery was a states’ rights issue rather than looking at it as a human rights violation. You are not a neutral party when you actively vote to support deliberate physical harm against someone else.

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The "Rapist's Child"

The "Rapist's Child"

There is a time when politicians will come out and call the defenseless unborn a “child.” If a woman is raped, suddenly, that baby is a “child.” And it’s not her child. It’s not a grandchild of loving parents who want to help their daughter get through a crisis. It’s not a child with unalienable rights. They are the “rapist’s child.”

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The Sad Truth About the US Mental Health Crisis

The Sad Truth About the US Mental Health Crisis

The adults in the room should talk about mental health, but I don’t think we have enough adults in meaningful positions of power to make a difference. Our country is unwell, and I don’t see much motivation to change that. Politicians, political commentators, the entertainment industry, academia, and even the medical industry have sold in on making Americans sick.

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Abigail Disney Calls Jessa Duggar a Coward for Not Calling Her Miscarriage an Abortion

Abigail Disney Calls Jessa Duggar a Coward for Not Calling Her Miscarriage an Abortion

An abortion is a medical procedure to terminate a pregnancy, resulting in the death of an embryo or fetus. Disney is condemning Duggar Seewald for not admitting to purposely terminating her baby’s life, when the truth is, her child experienced a natural death in the womb.

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Our Modern Society is Cruel to Men

Our Modern Society is Cruel to Men

We continue building misogynists who care little for women, women harden by becoming more like the misogynists they despise, and they cope by doing Tiktok Lives every night, insisting body count doesn’t matter, not because they believe it doesn’t, but because they resent the fact that it does.

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Michigan Governor and AG Support Child Sterilization Ballot Proposal

Michigan Governor and AG Support Child Sterilization Ballot Proposal

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel are among top Democrats supporting Proposal 3, that will open the door for sterilizations and abortions for minors, without parental consent.

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CA State Sen Who Lowered Criminal Penalties for HIV Transmission, Says Lecturing About Sex Won't Stop Monkepox

CA State Sen Who Lowered Criminal Penalties for HIV Transmission, Says Lecturing About Sex Won't Stop Monkepox

But even knowing this information, State Senator Scott Wiener is concerned about the “sex shaming of gay men around monkeypox” and compared it to the shaming of HIV. “Lecturing people not to have sex isn’t a public health strategy. It didn’t stop HIV—it made it worse—& it won’t stop monkeypox. What will work is vaccination, testing & education.”

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Authors J.K. Rowling and Matt Walsh Spar Over Singer Macy Gray's Transgender Flip-Flop

Authors J.K. Rowling and Matt Walsh Spar Over Singer Macy Gray's Transgender Flip-Flop

Rowling isn’t wrong that many women are intimidated into silence. But Walsh isn’t wrong that men and women who stay silent, are contributing to the problem. Do they deserve equal scorn? Walsh doesn’t think so, and he softened his tone while engaging with Rowling.

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Gov. Whitmer Repeals Pink Tax for "People with a Period," While Gas Prices Soar

Gov. Whitmer Repeals Pink Tax for "People with a Period," While Gas Prices Soar

While some Michiganders are celebrating the small monthly savings, if you couldn’t afford the sales tax of tampons, you most likely still cannot afford the product itself. Inflation is hurting the pockets of everyday Michiganders, for products purchased weekly and daily.

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Are We Needlessly Putting Youth At Risk with the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Are We Needlessly Putting Youth At Risk with the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Why is there such an aggressive strategy to inject a chemical into the bodies of our youth linked to heart trouble and possible death? The CDC says the vaccines are safe and millions of people have received them, and this is true based on available information. It’s not likely anyone will receive the vaccine and die but is it a necessary risk?

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