Liz Cheney Signals Run for President After Pulling in Less than 30% in Wyoming Primary

Well, unlike Dick Cheney’s shooting victim, Liz Cheney’s political career did not survive. After the polls closed in Wyoming, Congresswoman Liz Cheney’s defeat immediately manifested. Despite calling in the big guns and having her father’s endorsement, fundraising efforts from the Bushs and Karl Rove, Cheney only raked in 28.9 percent of the vote. Contrast that with former President Donald Trump’s endorsed candidate, Harriet Hageman, who carried a whopping 66.3% of the vote (with 99 percent counted).

Data journalist Rich Baris from The People’s Pundit said Cheney’s race was “among the fastest calls we were able to make period this entire cycle.”

Mind you, Cheney, reached out to democrats asking for their vote. Some voted republican for the first time in their lives, lamenting they couldn’t believe they were voting for Liz Cheney.

In Cheney’s defeat, she shocked and amused the political world by comparing herself to Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses Grant. She noted, “Abraham Lincoln was defeated in elections for the Senate and House before he won the most important election of all. Lincoln ultimately prevailed, he saved our union, and he defined our obligation as Americans for all of history.”

There have been whispers of a Cheney presidential run, and she is a remanent of a political dynasty. The GOP establishment has a lot of money. But as Trump proved, old money is not enough. Otherwise, Jeb Bush would have been matched against Hillary Clinton in 2016. If Cheney is counting on democratic support to gain any traction for a presidential run, she should give herself a good shake and remind herself she will only be loved by the left for as long as she keeps talking about Trump and January 6. When the glitter of that event fades, democrats will recall Cheney defended advanced interrogation methods, disapproved of her sister’s gay “lifestyle,” and voted in line with Trump over 90% of the time. At the end of the day, she’s still a republican. After all, when Christian Bale won an award for his portrayal of Dick Cheney in the film Vice, he thanked “Satan” for his inspiration.

To republicans, she will never get enough of the base to earn the nomination. Even if the rest of the country isn’t as MAGA-red as Wyoming, they certainly aren’t whatever Liz Cheney is supposed to be. Having her father make an endorsement video, pretending like Trump is the biggest threat to democracy America has ever faced, would be laughable if it weren’t so egregiously unserious.

If Cheney proceeds with presidential dreams after struggling to reach 30% as an incumbent, it would be the height of delusion.  

Former democrat presidential hopeful, Andrew Yang, who is spearheading the “Forward” party, commended Cheney’s integrity. Yang is also using Cheney’s race to criticize the two-party system and praise Alaska’s open non-partisan primary, which may be the reason Senator Lisa Murkowski keeps her seat after voting to convict President Trump in his second impeachment.

Many of Cheney’s republican enemies, anti-establishment democrats, and moderates gleefully celebrated her downfall. Some are noting Cheney doesn’t even understand her loss is not so much about 2020 and refusing to go along with Trump. As Ben Shapiro said, “Winning simply would have required her not to act as a front person for a Democratic committee dedicated to lumping together all Republicans and conservatives with January 6 rioters, and suggesting that anyone who would consider voting Trump 2024 is an incipient fascist.”

Cheney confirmed on NBC “Today” that she was considering a presidential run.