Governor Whitmer's Racial Discrepancy Problem

In 2020, when a disproportionate number of black Michiganders were dying of Covid-19, Governor Gretchen Whitmer took a very bold approach. Whitmer “asked MDHHS to make health equity a major goal, as well as required implicit bias training for all state employees.”

The governor specifically said, “Implicit, unconscious bias exists within each of us.” In other words, Michiganders—including Whitmer herself—are racist. She even recognized racism as a public health crisis.

So, why is Whitmer ignoring other major disparate impacts on minorities?

In the same year, 53 percent of Michigan’s aborted sons and daughters were black. The black population is only 12.4 percent. Back in the day, Democrats used to say abortion needed to be “safe, legal, and rare.” Notice they dropped the “rare.” 2006 Senator Joe Biden didn’t view abortion as a choice and a right. He said, “it’s always a tragedy.” As president, he laments that women of color lack abortion access. Why do so many people feel so strongly about black women’s ability to terminate the lives of their sons and daughters, and why is there such a large disparity? More importantly, why does the governor appear to be more focused on protecting abortion than encouraging more black lives to be born?

Whitmer recently vetoed $3 million for pregnancy-resource centers and $10 million for adoption promotion. Pregnancy-resource centers can help women pay for diapers, cribs, strollers, give parenting classes, babysitting, etc. It depends on how well-funded they are. But according to Whitmer’s spokesperson, Bobby Leddy, these centers “often use deceptive advertising that target young women and women with low incomes who are seeking abortion care.” Here’s a question for Governor Whitmer: why is it a bad thing that people want to convince women they are capable of raising their babies, there’s support if they choose, and adoption is an option? Senator Elizabeth Warren also vowed to go after pregnancy crisis centers, where they “outnumber true abortion clinics 3-1” in Massachusetts. Why do Warren and Whitmer believe it is better for women, full of fear and desperation, to go to abortion clinics, where they have a financial incentive for these women to abort their offspring?

Leddy and Warren claim pregnancy crisis centers are deceptive, but ArborWoman, for example, clearly states on their website they do not refer or perform abortions. But they do have frightened women who enter their facility in tears and talk through their options with the staff. They also employ OBGYNs.

Is Whitmer afraid of a mother wandering into a pregnancy crisis center, hearing a heart at 180bmp, and learning their brain, lungs, ears, and fine details like nails have begun to form? This is all by week 10. Even if you do not believe this entity is “alive,” we all know in another 30 weeks, the same being will have a social security number and be a qualifying dependent on someone’s tax returns. 41.5 percent of those abortions were done via suction curettage, meaning they were ripped apart.

Imagine if half of the population of my hometown of Pontiac were killed. Not only would it be a state emergency: it would be a national tragedy. That’s how many babies died from induced abortion in 2020 according to MDHHS. 29,669 sons and daughters, and over 930,000 across the country according to the Guttmacher Institute.

Whitmer has not indicated she wants any limitations on abortion. The “Reproductive Freedom for All” ballot initiative would solidify abortion beyond 24 weeks into our constitution. Before anyone votes to enshrine this, shouldn’t we ask why there are so many, and why such an abnormally large racial gap exists?

It’s not a “sex education” problem. Only 2 percent of abortions were from women under 18 years old. 66.9 percent of Michigan women who had induced abortions had a previous term pregnancy, and 40.7 percent of those women had two or more. They know how babies are made. 85.1 percent of induced abortions were from unmarried women.

Now, there is a lack of education. In Michigan, information must be provided to women seeking an abortion but it’s not mandatory they read it. How many voters understand how developed a baby is by “viability” or even the end of the first trimester? Even using terms like “reproductive freedom” is misleading. Reproduction has already occurred.

Whitmer said, “as public servants, we have a duty to understand how our bias can impact the lives of others.” Democrats look at every other racial discrepancy and claim racism, but when it comes to abortion, it’s all about the “choices” of the individual. Even if you feel abortion should be legal, why aren’t we discouraging it? We’re wiping out entire generations. If Whitmer is truly “committed” to making Michigan a “model for equality, understanding, and fairness,” she shouldn’t want to lead a state where half the abortion business comes from black bodies.