Mars Candy Cancels Their Own Spokescandies

Mars has announced their beloved M&Ms will no longer be using spokescandies. “In their place, we are proud to introduce a spokesperson Americans can agree on: the beloved Maya Rudolph.” Rudolph is a comedian actress who has been on shows like The Good Place and Saturday Night Live, as well as films such as Brides Maids and Disenchanted.

In M&Ms’ statement on Twitter, they claimed changes to their spokescandies were expected to go unnoticed. “And we definitely didn’t think it would break the internet. But now we get it—even a candy’s shoes can be polarizing. Which was the last thing M&Ms wanted since we’re all about bringing people together.” Last year, the green and brown M&Ms faced a makeover targeting their shoes. The sassy green M&M traded her Gogo boots for sneakers, and the girl boss brown M&M traded her stilettos for smaller heels. The company said they were making their mascots “more inclusive, welcoming, and unifying.” But those who did not like the change complained toning down their femininity for practicality needlessly alienates a demographic. Personalities were also tweaked. In the past, the green M&M often targeted her wit toward her companions. Now, she’s “too busy shining to throw shade.”

Their newest spokescandy is a purple female M&M that represents body positivity. Her character profile reads, “Flawless? How about flaw more!”

The company also recently announced an all-female package, “Supporting women flipping the status quo.”

Mars candy is now putting their famed spokescandies into indefinite retirement.