Transwomen Don't Belong in Women's Spaces

In a sane world, I don’t think we’d be having so many intense conversations about who can go into women’s bathrooms and locker rooms. Unfortunately, we do not live in a sane society.

Of course, if you are a male you don’t belong in women’s sex-segregated spaces. I think most people would agree with that, but some people believe we should make exceptions for transwomen.

An obvious compromise would be to have an additional single-sex bathroom, which is great for multiple reasons. But let’s be honest; this is a renovation expense and not an option for every establishment, especially if they lack the space. And while many trans people want to duck in and out and not be noticed, some trans activists don’t want to be invisible: they want to be accepted as women. Being barred from female spaces is an admission they are not women.

During the Obama administration, an Illinois school was forced to allow a male who identified as female to use the girl’s locker rooms. At first, the school allowed him to use the girl’s bathroom, but he wanted access to the locker room to change. The student filed a complaint to the Department of Education, and they sided with the student. The school had to comply or risk losing $6 million in funding. Parents later sued the Obama administration.

Much of this movement isn’t about accommodation. It’s about surrender.

Brad Polumbo from Based Politics believes Blaire White, a conservative transwoman, should have access to women’s spaces. “Why would I embrace some sort of one-size-fits-all government approach that would legally force somebody with c-cup tits to use the men's room or boy’s locker room?” In the past, White has said people with penises shouldn’t go into women’s locker rooms.

Political commentator Tim Pool has also stated he thinks Blaire White should be able to use the woman’s restroom.

I don’t believe buying fake “tits” should be the passcode that allows you into female spaces, especially if you still have your male genitalia. UPenn swimmers were rather upset to see William “Lia” Thomas’s penis in their space.

And even if you get rid of your penis and have fake “tits,” it doesn’t mean women will be comfortable. A 17-year-old girl was nude and terrified when transwoman Rebecca Philips came into the YMCA woman’s locker room. Organizers arranged a protest in support of Philips, despite having a remarkably creepy and perverted social media presence, uncovered by Reduxx.

Activists like Ari Drennen have asked if they should be forced to go into the men’s room because they perceive themselves to be passable. I think the reality is if a convincing transwoman goes into a woman’s bathroom, no one will truly be able to stop them. If we don’t know, we don’t know. But if a famous transwoman walks into a woman’s restroom and is recognized, why wouldn’t women be upset? We know you’re a man because that’s your platform: you’re a man who identifies as a woman.

The question is whether there’s an inherent issue with males being in female spaces or if we should give them a pass because they’re pretty enough or appear feminine enough.

Does all of the embarrassment, safety concerns, and principles get washed away because they look enough like women? If that’s the case, I would think that would cause a bit of a class system between those who can afford multiple feminizing surgeries and those who can’t. It would also validate the pressure on young preteens who want to block their puberty and go on hormones early, so they can increase the likelihood of presenting as a convincing female. If you assume people who present as more convincing women are more serious about their gender dysphoria, that’s too presumptive. You don’t know how much money someone has and how much they’ve weighed brutalizing their body to quell their dysphoria. Besides, if you ascribe to gender ideology, you shouldn’t have to inflict a wound that resembles a vagina to qualify as a woman.

Men are naturally bigger and stronger than women, so there is an awareness of what could happen if a physical altercation occurred. But I’m not afraid if I accidentally wander into a men’s bathroom that my life would be severely threatened. I love men. I love my brother, father, other male relatives, male friends, and I’d like to marry a man and have a son one day. It’s not that we’re so afraid of men, but we go on high alert when we’re faced with men who have little to no respect for women, men who only want to dominate instead of defending us, and men who trespass into our safe and intimate spaces without our permission.

Now, I’ve seen several activists who are trans and not passable in the least claim they should have access to women’s bathrooms due to safety concerns. So, the concerns and feelings of women should simply be invalidated? I don’t understand why women have to lose on this issue. A lack of chivalry may make you less of a man, but it certainly doesn’t make you more of a woman.

Before a man or boy decides to transition, someone needs to sit them down and explain the truth. “You can alter your body—if this will make you happy—but it will not change who or what you are. Society has no obligation to treat you any differently than who you are today. Surgery and chemicals will not grant you access to women’s spaces, so this lifestyle will create significant challenges for you. If you’re okay with that, you can proceed. But if you can’t live the rest of your life like that, you should reconsider. Your struggles are internal right now. Transitioning will flip them inside out for all of the world to participate. But whatever decision you make, no one else should be burdened with the consequences of those actions besides YOU.”

Women are not responsible for the decisions men make to their bodies, and we shouldn’t be forced or guilted to let them into our bathrooms, locker rooms, spas, shelters, sports teams, etc.

If a man needs to bring their daughter into the restroom or help their ill or disabled wife, we’re understanding of those situations. But men don’t belong in women’s intimate spaces. And the more defensive politicians and activists get with protecting transwomen’s access to bathrooms, the more they cover for perverts like the boy in a skirt who sexually assaulted girls in Loudoun County. A female trucker told me the other day how a man stalked and followed her into a woman’s restroom, and nothing was done because he claimed to be trans. Remember when activists came to the defense of a man who exposed himself to women and children in a California spa? He is a registered sex offender.

As far as trans men go, they’re free to go pee with the men where I assume they want to be. I don’t think men would mind, they don’t have the same security concerns as women, and they spend far less time in the bathroom.

I acknowledge there are men who identify as women who are harmless and just trying to live their lives as happily as possible. There are also men identifying as women who have autogynephilia gaining access to women’s spaces. I’m not unsympathetic to the plight of not having your own pot to piss in. If you traveled during the COVID-19 pandemic, you know how difficult it was to find any bathroom. But feeling like a woman doesn’t make you a woman and if it does, then it shouldn’t matter how “passable” someone is. I wouldn’t want to be in a transwomen’s shoes, but women shouldn’t be overridden in their own spaces.