Democrats Are Driving a Wedge Between Muslim Voters, so they Blame the GOP

MSNBC host Jennifer Psaki, who formerly worked for President Joe Biden as his press secretary, offered a fantastical commentary on the GOP’s strategy: notice Democrats are doing things and then point them out. Psaki accused the GOP of turning Muslim Americans against the trans community and even likened it to Nixon’s infamous Southern strategy. The idea is Nixon played to the racist nature of the South to earn votes, which Psaki claimed to have been a success.

Perhaps the newly crowned journalist is unaware of the fact the Southern strategy is disputed by historians. Not only did Nixon not win the deep south; but Democrats also continued to rack up southern victories. The South began to flip to Republicans for economic opportunities—not racism—and Republicans didn’t earn consistent victories in the South until the 90s and early 20s.

But more importantly, the GOP didn’t write the Quran. The GOP didn’t put sexually explicit books in cities like Dearborn, MI, heavily populated by Muslims. The GOP didn’t write This Book Is Gay and include a section on how to talk to Muslims about homosexuality and how to find homosexuals online. Did the GOP show up to protest and stand alongside the Muslim community? Of course, they did. Do you know what the Leftists did? They showed up to defend these perverse books as if it were a personal attack on their identity. When Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer was asked about it on the debate stage, she deflected instead of denouncing them.

The GOP didn’t make the Hamtramck City Council—comprised of all Muslims—create a policy to only fly government flags on city property, and they certainly didn’t make the Democrat lesbian Attorney General, Dana Nessel, go to Hamtramck to call that action “evil.” Nessel—whose campaign pitch was once to vote for her because she doesn’t have a penis to assault you with—then had the nerve to plead to the Muslim community that they were on the same side and shared the same enemies.

Well, that street runs both ways. 

Democrats often criticize the religious right, but Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have something in common: they’re Abrahamic faiths. There are obvious differences, but there are similarities. Their teachings predate Republicans and Democrats. When the political Left insists on pushing sexual immorality on their children, how can you not expect pushback? The Smithsonian promotes the woke teachings of “white fragility” by Robin DiAngelo, and even made an infographic on “Whiteness in America.”  Why was “no tolerance for deviation from a single god concept” on the list? Do you know how insulting that is to the Abrahamic faiths? Why are our taxpayer dollars funding it? The explosion of critical race theory, anti-racism, anti-whiteness, and other spin-offs have been defended by the Left, promoted in our schools, and even on Disney cartoons.

If you are a person of faith and your religion doesn’t influence how you vote or choose to engage civically, you’re left alone. If your faith does influence your civic engagement, they taint your sincerity by claiming you’ve been infected by some form of whiteness. Black conservative Christians are belittled with, “That’s a white man’s religion that was forced upon you,” despite North Africa being among the earliest Christian communities, and Jesus wasn’t white. Now, Muslims are being reduced to pawns of white supremacy.

Is the GOP taking advantage of the Democrats’ offensive policies? Of course, they are. Why wouldn’t they? But Republicans didn’t invent the values of Muslims, and we certainly didn’t make Democrats defend double mastectomies, drag queen story hour, and perverted books. They’re simply holding up a sign and saying, “See! This is the party you voted for. Look at what they’re doing. Do they reflect your values?”

The truth is, Psaki is projecting. The game plan of the Democrats has been to make their victim feel more special than someone else, justify their discrimination, and promise goodies.

Alabama Democrats had a logo calling Democrats the party of “white supremacy” until 1966. The GOP was the party of “America First.” Even if you were a poor white voter, at least they would be prioritized over the negro. J. Thomas Heflin was one of the candidates to appear on such a ballot. He served in the US House of Representatives, and Senate, and then was appointed as a special representative of the Federal Housing Administration under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Ironically, the black vote began peeling off for Democrats from promises of the New Deal, though FDR’s policies certainly caused issues (such as redlining).

Eventually, Democrats saw the major tide turning on civil rights and decided to ride the wave. Lyndon B. Johnson signed what he called the “nigger bill” into law, the Civil Rights Act. Johnson allegedly said, “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for 200 years.” He would also talk about how you have to give “uppity” negros “just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”

The Democrats have recently spoken out against the Supreme Court for shooting down affirmative action, even though white and Asian students were being discriminated against.

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Democrats have a hierarchy of oppression. If you’re on the top, they’ll treat you well. If you’re not on top, you’re still expected to praise the system, or you’ll be accused of carrying water for white supremacy. If you’re an Asian mother who wants her child to have equal treatment as a black child applying for college, you’re a tool. If you’re a black conservative, you’re accused of being the blackface of white supremacy.

We all know the LGBT community sits at the top of the pyramid. If schools want their children to have gay sexual materials in the libraries, Muslims have to suck it up or be belittled as GOP puppets.

Pointing fingers at white supremacy is meant to emotionally inflame voters, so they don’t think rationally about policy. Minorities should wake up and realize they fundamentally disagree with Democrats on many important issues. They shouldn’t allow Democrats to get away with what they accuse Republicans of doing: manipulating the voters.