Democrats Are Driving a Wedge Between Muslim Voters, so they Blame the GOP

Democrats Are Driving a Wedge Between Muslim Voters, so they Blame the GOP

But more importantly, the GOP didn’t write the Quran. The GOP didn’t put sexually explicit books in cities like Dearborn, MI, heavily populated by Muslims. The GOP didn’t write This Book Is Gay and include a section on how to talk to Muslims about homosexuality and how to find homosexuals online. Did the GOP show up to protest and stand alongside the Muslim community? Of course, they did. Do you know what the Leftists did? They showed up to defend these perverse books as if it were a personal attack on their identity.

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Hope for the Pro-Life Movement After the Midterm Election

Hope for the Pro-Life Movement After the Midterm Election

The abolition movement was resilient. It faced setbacks and had long battles, certainly not unique to America. Abolition giants like William Wilberforce had tremendous struggles, yet he would not concede his fight either. As Pastor John Newton reminded him, like Queen Esther, Wilberforce was called for such a time as this, and so are you.

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White Liberals v. Minorities

White Liberals v. Minorities

We think drag time story hour or taking field trips to gay bars is perverse. For a leftist, it’s nirvana. Exposing their children to a male performer’s flopping fake tits and spandex-covered crotch is how they help their child achieve enlightenment. Christians baptize their children in water; progressives baptize their children in sexual expression. While Christians encourage crucifying your destructive nature, progressives teach self-worship and gratification. “My body, my choice.” It may cost you your healthy breast or even a nearly viable baby, but the pursuit of satisfying ever-changing subjective truths is well worth it in the end. They believe this is love.

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Religious Bigotry of Whitmer, Nessel, and Benson

Religious Bigotry of Whitmer, Nessel, and Benson

The religious bigotry from Gretchen Whitmer, Dana Nessel, and Jocelyn Benson has gone too far, and it’s rarely addressed. These people don’t believe in mutual respect; they believe in ideological submission.

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Michigan's Upcoming Gender Apocalypse

Michigan's Upcoming Gender Apocalypse

Hiding inside of a proposed constitutional amendment—falsely touted as a restoration of what was lost during Roe v. Wade’s overturning—is a parent’s worst nightmare. Proposal 3 is far beyond an abortion bill. It will leave children wide open to a lobby of butchers who profit off of Frankensteining young and confused people.

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Michigan Governor and AG Support Child Sterilization Ballot Proposal

Michigan Governor and AG Support Child Sterilization Ballot Proposal

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel are among top Democrats supporting Proposal 3, that will open the door for sterilizations and abortions for minors, without parental consent.

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Governor Whitmer's Racial Discrepancy Problem

Governor Whitmer's Racial Discrepancy Problem

If Whitmer is truly “committed” to making Michigan a “model for equality, understanding, and fairness,” she shouldn’t want to lead a state where half the abortion business comes from black bodies.

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Michigan Democrats Wage a Not-So-Stealth War on Parents

Michigan Democrats Wage a Not-So-Stealth War on Parents

The Michigan Democrat Party found themselves in hot water after posting an anti-parent rant on their Facebook page. “Not sure where this ‘parents-should-control-what-is-taught-in-schools-because-they-are-our-kids’ is originating, but parents do have the option to choose to send their kids to a hand-selected private school at their own expense if this is what they desire.”

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Gov. Whitmer Repeals Pink Tax for "People with a Period," While Gas Prices Soar

Gov. Whitmer Repeals Pink Tax for "People with a Period," While Gas Prices Soar

While some Michiganders are celebrating the small monthly savings, if you couldn’t afford the sales tax of tampons, you most likely still cannot afford the product itself. Inflation is hurting the pockets of everyday Michiganders, for products purchased weekly and daily.

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Black Republican Goes Undercover at a Democrat Party Picnic

Black Republican Goes Undercover at a Democrat Party Picnic

Democrats are going too far. Racism is evil, and it’s thrown around too frequently to win debates, diluting its meaning and preventing productive conversations. If you can’t even analyze an issue because your enemies oppose it, we’re living in a dangerous time. Democrats cannot be the “party of science” if they are a party beyond reason.

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Michigan Democrats Are Afraid of Possible Chief Craig Run for Governor

Michigan Democrats Are Afraid of Possible Chief Craig Run for Governor

Craig is not a politician, but he’s been a public servant for 44 years. Though some political insiders knew his true affiliation, most Detroiters do not. That’s a good thing. It means he served them beyond politics, and they know him first as a servant rather than a political operative.

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Don't Mind the President: Go Celebrate July 4th with Family

Don't Mind the President: Go Celebrate July 4th with Family

If the goal is to encourage everyone to vaccinate, Godspeed. Let the science drive that mission and inform opinions. If the strategy is to hold the freedom of millions of Americans hostage until everyone obeys (which they won’t), Biden is awful.

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Will Nursing Home Deaths Catch up to Whitmer like they did Cuomo?

Will Nursing Home Deaths Catch up to Whitmer like they did Cuomo?

Now that our stunning and brave warrior journalists have defeated the orange monster and thrown him out of the White House, they are now free to cover stories they ignored. How long will it be before Michigan’s governor, Gretchen Whitmer, gets a second look?

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Covid-19: No, We're Not All in this Together

Covid-19: No, We're Not All in this Together

We’re not all in this together. We’re all in the same storm, but we’re not in the same boat. Elitists are traveling in mega-yachts while small business owners are clutching onto the last bit of driftwood from the Titanic.

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