Biden and the Radical Left Are the Threat to Democracy

Americans are being told constantly that former President Donald Trump is a “threat to democracy,” and that’s why he should not be reelected. Let’s, for a moment, accept this premise.  President Joe Biden is still a far greater threat. Sure, you can point to January 6, which was an egregious and embarrassing riot that will forever stain our nation. But are you more afraid of a mob that could be overcome, hunted down, arrested, and harshly sentenced or are you more fearful of a cabal that tramples your liberty, uses all levers of power to maintain control, and faces virtually no repercussions for repeated unjust actions? Should Americans be more concerned about Trump punching Lady Liberty in the face or Biden sneaking behind her back and severing her spine?

We highly respect the peaceful transition of power. One leader steps down and hands the reins over to someone else—even if they don’t like their successor or their politics—because the citizens made their voices heard. Not respecting that peaceful transition is the proclaimed true tragedy of January 6. But what if the “peaceful transition” is a farce? What if the former administration undermined the incoming administration, so they could later reinstall themselves?

In 2016, the FBI spied on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Peter Strzok and Lisa Page had an “insurance policy” to stop Trump from being elected. Employees at the FBI were so concerned about their shady actions that they took out liability insurance, in fear of what would happen to them after Trump was in office. After Trump won, according to former Deputy Assistant Director Strzok’s notes, President Obama, FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, National Security Advisor Susan Rice, and Vice President Joe Biden discussed how to proceed against Trump’s advisor General Michael Flynn, regarding his communications with Sergey Kislyak, a Russian ambassador. Obama directed “the right people to investigate” Flynn, and Comey admitted Flynn’s call was legitimate. That didn’t stop Biden from suggesting the Logan Act be used against him. Comey later sent FBI agents to the White House after Flynn, purposely avoiding normal protocol because he suspected Trump’s administration was too unorganized and new to block him, leaving Flynn to fight on his own without White House Counsel. Flynn wasn’t convicted of conspiring with the Russian government. He pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, later claiming he was set up.

A large chunk of the Trump presidency was plagued with accusations of Trump being an illegitimate president and a puppet who colluded with Russia. The CIA informed the FBI that Hillary Clinton signed off on a plan to link Trump to Russia back in 2016 for political purposes. Former CIA Director John Brennan briefed Obama in August, before the election, about his former Secretary of State’s shenanigans. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Biden were also briefed. Hillary may have verbally conceded the 2016 election, but she continuously pushed the narrative that the election was stolen from her. The media relentlessly pushed the “Russia collusion” narrative and had democrats like Adam Schiff and former intelligence officials, such as Brennan, to sell the idea that Trump’s days were numbered. Exhaustive investigations eventually concluded Trump did not collude with Russia.

What sort of damage do you inflict on a nation by leading a large portion of its citizens to believe the sitting president was installed by the Russian government? How could anyone who truly loved the country and cared about its future propagate such a lie or allow it to go unchecked?

In 2020, when Joe Biden came under fire for Hunter Biden’s business dealings, he denied involvement and tried his best to discredit his son’s laptop. A letter was compiled and signed by 51 former senior intelligence officials, claiming Hunter’s laptop had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”  Biden’s campaign senior adviser, Antony Blinken (who also formerly served in the Obama administration), allegedly orchestrated the letter. On the debate stage, Biden used this letter to push back on President Trump when he brought it up. In other words, Joe Biden knew the laptop belonged to his crackhead son, yet he told the American people that a foreign nuclear power was trying to rig our election.

That is extraordinarily more egregious than a shady lawyer paying off a porn star and filing the wrong paperwork for the expense.

The former vice-president of the former administration went on to become the new president. He brought over many familiar faces, such as former Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Blinken. A report found that three-quarters of Biden’s top 100 aides previously worked in Obama’s administration.

Of course, Hunter Biden’s laptop was very real. During the election, it was suppressed by social media companies (after government officials got involved) and largely ignored by the media. Darling intellectuals such as Sam Harris now say they didn’t care that there was a conspiracy to keep knowledge suppressed from the voters. He wouldn’t care if there were corpses of dead children on the laptop; he still believed it was more important to deprive Trump of the presidency. Many Democrats have been conditioned to believe that just about anything done against Trump is justifiable. But I wonder why men like Sam Harris aren’t more terrified at the lengths our government and media are willing to go to destroy a man.

What did Biden do with his power? Did he restore “norms” as expected? No. He turned his power on the citizens by issuing an unconstitutional OSHA mandate to force businesses to coerce their employees to take the COVID-19 vaccine, which did not prevent the spread of the virus. When it came to violating the bodily autonomy of Americans during the pandemic, he said, “This is not about freedom or personal choice.”  When concerned parents didn’t want pornographic material in their children’s classrooms and libraries, the White House coordinated with the National Schoolboard Association to craft a letter to the Department of Justice, requesting methods such as the Patriot Act be used. One of the provided examples was a headline of a father’s outburst, who was upset that his daughter was sexually assaulted in a bathroom by a boy in a skirt.

In Biden’s America, pro-life protestors are targeted, and their homes are raided, while pro-choice activists can march outside of the homes of Supreme Court Justices. Looting and rioting in the streets for “racial justice,” on the other hand, may earn you a retweet of support from Vice President Kamala Harris, so you can be bailed out of jail. In Biden’s America, his administration says, “It’s not for us to decide” if a transgender lunatic shooting up a Christian school is a hate crime, yet Biden feels comfortable labeling millions of Americans as extremists.

When the Supreme Court makes decisions Biden doesn’t agree with, he calls it a rogue court. He discredits conservative justices while nominating judicial candidates who placed male child rapists in women’s prisons. Biden even continuously brags about being stopped by the Supreme Court on student loan forgiveness yet doing it anyway. He cares nothing for our system of checks and balances. And while Biden undermines the court, the press runs hit pieces about flying a flag with a pine tree.  

If you read the original articles of impeachment for Trump and recall much of the commentary, his real sin wasn’t temporarily withholding funds from Ukraine that were already appropriated by Congress. If it were, Biden should be in a world of trouble for withholding weapons from Israel during their war with Hamas. The true sin was that Trump allegedly used his office to go after his political opponent.

Biden is the sitting president, and his DOJ issued indictments against his political rival. One might say no one is above the law, but does Biden believe that? His DOJ was willing to give his son a sweetheart deal for his gun charge and tax crimes, until a judge blew that up. There’s evidence that Biden is connected to his son’s business dealings. Biden also “willfully” retained classified documents as a private citizen but was not charged, because he’s an “elderly man with a poor memory” who the jury would allegedly pity. Trump certainly isn’t above the law, but the law is supposed to be above the hatred of one man. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Attorney General Letitia James are supposed to seek justice, not vow to get Trump. Mind you, Bragg lowered 60% of felony charges down to misdemeanors and frankensteined the law to bump Trump’s misdemeanor up to a felony. The Biden campaign should not be celebrating or joking about this.

The precedent this sets is alarming. To indict the former president and current frontrunner should require clear and deathly serious charges, or else the American people will see it as election interference. Half of the country will see a Biden victory as illegitimate. Having a campaign press conference outside of the courthouse or smiling when the press asks if Trump is a political prisoner, doesn’t move the country toward healing.

Democrat presidents have droned weddings, aid workers, and children while facing no consequences, yet Trump may go to jail for not paying off a porn star as a campaign expense (former FEC Commissioner Bradley Smith says Bragg would have likely charged Trump for improper use of campaign funds if he had).

Elie Honig, a CNN legal analyst and former federal and state prosecutor, said what happened to Trump was “obscure, and nearly entirely unprecedented. In fact, no state prosecutor—in New York, or Wyoming, or anywhere—has ever changed federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything. None. Ever. Even putting aside the specifics of election law, the Manhattan DA itself almost never brings any case in which falsification of business records is the only charge.”

Joe Biden won’t defend our border, even by reversing decisions he made as president via executive order. He won’t defend your second amendment; he adamantly says, “No amendment is absolute.” Joe Biden won’t defend women and their private spaces; he’ll strip your school’s funding if you don’t comply with gender ideology. Biden won’t defend your First Amendment rights. He was outraged over First Amendment victories such as 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis. The Biden administration silenced dissenters online over COVID and tried to build a disinformation governance board. Even when you complain about the economy, Biden belittles your pain and claims Americans “have the money to spend.” He won’t take accountability for his policy failures. He fans the flames of racial division by peddling lies like the “fine people” hoax to paint Trump as a white supremacist while he represents a party platform that rejects “race-neutral policies” that treat everyone equally. Biden is old, frail, projects weakness to our enemies, and uncertainty to our allies. Our friends are learning they can’t trust us, and our enemies have learned that as well. When American lives are in danger overseas, Biden’s answer is a turned-back. Incompetency and moral cowardice for an American president is not only dangerous to us; it’s a danger to the world.

You don’t have to like Trump. Many of his voters love him, but many hate his guts. But as the saying goes, they’ll “crawl over broken glass” to vote for him because the country is facing a crisis. We need a leader who is more passionate about saving women like Laken Riley rather than affirming the mutilation of girls like Chloe Cole. We need a president more passionate about families being able to provide and feed their children rather than one who passionately fights to have them killed in the womb. Biden cares so much about power, that he was willing to ruin the confidence of our American military by propagating a false story about Russia paying bounties to the Taliban for killing our soldiers, just to claim the commander-in-chief was under Putin’s thumb and allowing it to happen. How could Biden, who had already served as vice-president, dare to damage our country in such a way, while invoking his dead son to really sell it? Joe Biden is an inferior president to Donald Trump, and he’s certainly a larger threat to democracy.

The American system has proven strong enough to survive Donald Trump, but Joe Biden and the progressives don’t want that system to survive. They want selective justice, open borders, to stack the court for judicial activism, to limit our Second Amendment rights, legislation that would weaken our election process, to slay religious liberty at the altar for their religion of gender ideology, and to use racial division to deconstruct the nation and rebuild it into their dystopian fantasy.

Democrats have denied, protested, and rioted over election results. I would know. I was at a state ceremony for electors, and I attended the Trump inauguration. There are many things I wish I could change about Trump, and I’m not afraid to voice my anger when he inspires it, but I will not accept the lie that Biden and the progressive agenda are best for the country and the world. It is a bald-faced lie.