Why Ben Shapiro is Angry with Candace Owens

Why Ben Shapiro is Angry with Candace Owens

If you hopped on the internet yesterday, you may have the impression that Ben Shapiro from The Daily Wire got mad at Candace Owens for posting scriptures in the New Testament and proclaiming, “Christ is King.” If you’ve been paying attention for a while, you’d know it’s a lot deeper than that.

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They Love Death Like We Love Life

They Love Death Like We Love Life

I’ve been told that both sides want the same thing and have been chastised for standing up for Israel. Well, please, show me where in the Israeli government they make it a priority to exterminate Muslims because I know Hamas speaks of eradicating Jews in their charter. When Hamas says, “We love death like our enemies love life,” that demonstrates they have opposite goals.

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