Employers Should Be Allowed to "Blacklist" Hamas Apologists

Employers Should Be Allowed to "Blacklist" Hamas Apologists

This was not merely a “boneheadedly wrong” idea, as Vivek Ramaswamy said. It was a choice to justify evil. So, while I appreciate repentance, forgiveness, mercy, grace, and redemption, I can’t fault employers—especially Jewish ones—for not wanting to hire Hamas sympathizers.

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Systemic Pity

Systemic Pity

Years ago, I had a conversation with a woman about affirmative action and how it disadvantages Asian students. She paused for a moment and thought delicately about her words, “Well, I know if it was my child, I’d want them to have an advantage.”

My simple reply: “That’s because your daughter would be black.”

But what if your child wasn’t? Do Asian mothers love their children any less? Should they not at least fight for equal opportunity?

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